Unit Book A6

The Palace Kitchen - Version 1a

A6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit A6

Amer Ahmad – July 2023

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Layering or gradual build-up accounts for more than half of all A6 features, with a total of 191 elements within a total of ….

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In turn, most of layers are accumulations (183) and here I will present some the most interesting ones. The excavation in A6 was complex because we have several phases of occupation, there are some accumulations that show us the beginning of the third millennium BC phase, and we have three accumulations f35, f45, and f350 where these show the brick walls of the AK building. There are a series of accumulations that contain evidence of the AK building we have f138 these accumulations show us three layers of bricks extending EW within the doorway a4 and extending Eward, this platform has been labeled as f142. And f144 was a brick similar in color and size to those in f142 and was found in f144 next to the doorway of the vault a1. Then there is an accumulation f436 that contains a brick structure from the AK building. A series of accumulations contain tannurs such as f463, f468, and f357. Then there are a series of semi-natural accumulations made of compact material, full of sherds, stone and pebbles, and bricks as f215, f302, f332, and f429. The accumulation f68 shows the relationship between the walls f16 and f78. Then accumulation of f221 is quite ashy except in parts containing brickfall. Three accumulations provide evidence of tombs as f108, f111, and f122. There is accumulation f426 which is a pit showing flat-laid sherds underneath the lowest bricks of the tomb and also remains of tannur wall. Accumulation f197 is a pit cut into the late wall f194 and f195 from the top. In fact, f194 and f195 would have been continuous except for this pit. The f160, f166, and f176 had vertical dimensional positions distinguishing them. They are all hard reddish accumulations with isolated patches of gray. There is an accumulation f366 which seems to be an ashy layer above the matting/white material.

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In A6, eight layers were identified, the most interesting is layer f112 that was almost entirely constituted of brick with very little of sherds, etc. Layer f106 was an intermixed layer of red and gray; the red was bricky. In layer f107 accumulation is light brown with isolated grey and red inclusions. Then f118 showed only isolated patches of red. The color and texture of the ac seem to differ slightly from what was removed in the west. In f216 we see an accumulation containing ash mixed with dirt. A few bones were found. Also contained parts of fallen brick; quite red.

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