Back to top: Emplacement for Unit A6 Horizontal surfaces
Surfaces defined by discrete components (pavements)
The most significant pavement was f327; it was a large stone with other small pebbles located at the S end of f306, this pavement was associated with phase 3 of the excavation in the AK building the 2nd millennium BC. There was another similar pavement f415; it was a brick-like assemblage in the NW corner of k31. There is also f230; that is flat bricks on the floor of the doorway a15, it forms part of the threshold f228. These three pavements excavated were classified as pavement type b.
Back to top: Emplacement for Unit A6 Horizontal surfaces
Surfaces defined by soil compaction (floors)
Most of the floors were associated with the northern part of the unit, there were 9 floors in this section. Five of them were floors whose type is not specified or clear "the floor surface in general" which contains, f310, a floor of the stone aggregates a16,a17 and isolated stones. And f315 which fits the pattern of abandonment accumulation, hard clay patches mixed with looser patches. There was f331, an ashy surface that does not extend very far, only an area of a couple of feet square, a number of sherds laying horizontally at it. There was f342, this is a thin ash layer presumed to be a floor accumulation of ash. And f313.
There were three highly compacted "floors type B", f364, it was penetrated by a rodent hole close to the tannur f356. There is also f365, which was covered with a thin ash-grey coating, tracing this floor toward the tannur f356 and to the S led to a slope that inclined sharply to the N. The last floor in this group is f369 it was 1 cm above f365.
There is one plastered floor " floor, type a", f416, it was a gypsum floor between f403 and f405.