Unit Book A6


Processed on 2024-09-12



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2005-08-00 mKB tag but not as thin or flat as the usual tags found in our excavations [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Description (summary) 2005-08-00 mKB sealing is somewhat flattened with many plant impressions on the reverse; the top is rounded and the one preserved end is straight. [Input: ZI827mKB.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 1996-07-20 rK k21 [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 1996-07-21 rk r274 (42930 35585 - 8415) [Input: G731FAB.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 1996-07-20 rK i111 (tag but not as thin or flat as the usual tags found in our excavations) sits in f174 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
q-lot with which item is associated 1996-07-20 rK q512 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Length 2005-08-00 mKB 4.2 [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Width 1 or diameter of rim 2005-08-00 mKB 3.5 [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Thickness 2005-08-00 mKB 1.4 [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Notes on measurement 2005-08-00 mKB height of original seal approximately 1.4 cm [Input: ZI827mKB.j]

Items Field Record

Roster Date Author Record
Field definition 1996-07-20 rK seal impression [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2005-08-00 mKB Type 4 [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Color 2005-08-00 mKB light gray [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2005-08-00 mKB 2.5Y 7/1 [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Iconographic description, specific 2005-08-00 mKB long horned animal facing right with long elegant sweeping curves of the animal's neck, horn, and upper body, lozenges between the horns and the body, unclear figure [Input: ZI827mKB.j]
Notes on style 2005-08-00 mKB style closer to seal impressions from Brak and Beydar than most of the Urkesh seal impressions. [Input: ZI827mKB.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Drawing of individual element (studio)

1997-07-15 mTS [Input: A06_VWX.j]

1997-07-16 mTS [Input: A06_VWX.j]

1997-07-20 mTS [Input: A06_VWX.j]