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Buildup and use in the Isin Larsa and Ur III periods are addressed in phases 5c, 5h, and 5m. Although there was no break in occupation of the tell avter the Akkadian period ended, activities of succeeding generations in the region of unit A15 were limited. There were no houses, industrial facilities, religious buildings, or other organized buildup. However, there were small walls, pavements, and concenrations of items at various elevations to indicate continuous light activity.
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We have identified three phases in this period. However, rather than signify specific known governmental or cultural eras, they divide the time equally to signify change albeit slow and not not relatable to sharp transitions between Akkadian, Ur III, or Isin Larsa influences. Most of the mixing of cultural features can be attributed to the major gullies which cut through most of the buildup during this time. The change at the end of phase 5m to Khabur phase 6c was relatively sharp and identified by significnt building activity,
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