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Seventeen loci were excavated in two seasons, 2001-L and 2003-N. In the first season 15 regular spuares were excavated as were two non-statndard loci. In the second season only regular squares were esavated.
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Regular squares
Initially,there were 20 squares laid out in 2001. The purpose was to extend to the south excavations in units A13 and A16. The loci were as follows: k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k11, k12, k13, k14, k15, k21, k22, k23, k24, k25, k91, k92, k93, k94, k95.
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Special locus: k100
Locus k100 is an irregularly shaped area which is defined by the outer edges of house a16. Relays r21, r74, r70, r72, and r119 define its northern edge. It includes the northern baulk of k1 and half the northern baulk of k11. This locus has not been plotted nor have any templates been made from views to further discribe this locus. |
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Special locus: k101
Relays r247, r248, r249, and r250 define the boundary of this locus. Its purpose was not identified and it was never plotted.
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Reassigned loci: k21, k22, k23, k24, k25
Loci k21, k22, k23, k24, k25 were intended to form the eastern extent of A15, and to perhaps be the location of the residential wing of the palace. Excavations in the more western loci exposed significant portions of the ceremonial section, so we decided to separate the eastern quarter and assign it to a new unit being formed, A17.
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