Notes on recovery |
2010-03-01 |
sC |
This wall was noticed during the 2006 excavation season while removing f93, the accumulation within locus k73; however, we did not clarifyed its limits when we stop digging in this locus. Up to present, it is unclear whether this is part of a wall or part of the brickfall bf^2. The east section of k73, as visible in view v101, shows clearly some complete bricks lying in a oblique way, noticed while digging. Their orientation indicate that they could have been part of a fallen structure, and could possibly belong to f170 or a structure associated with f170. f170, although is only parially preserved, seems however to be in its original location, and this seems to corroborate the idea that in locus k72 and k73 in Phase 65-MZA (in substratum s16b-c) several mud-brick structures were in use in J04 unit. Wall f170 is located at the same elevation as the bin (f93) and the wall north to the bin (f161-f162) and the tannurs within k72 (f112, f152): all these structures form a2. [Input: U301SC.j] |