Unit Book J4


Processed on 2024-09-12



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2010-03-21 sC This is a general view of the N section of k100. It is intended to show the features dug within the small portion of k100 investigated, and their characteristics. It is cleary visible that, while f139 rest on a almost horizontal accumulation, f119 (althouhg it slopes toward the south portion of the locus as well, as visible in the E and W sections), f121 it is horizontal in its top-most portion, then it slopes sharply, following -probably- the slope of the tell mound; the same is for f150 and f158, both exposed below f121. The slope of these features is more visible in the E (v84a-v84b) and W sections (v84d), while the S section (v84c) shows the pit that cut these layers and its relationship with them. [Input: U321SC.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]
View/drawing of features 2010-03-21 sC f119 (accumulation D), f121 (brickfall), f124 (lens type a), f139 (isolated stone), f150 (layer), f158 (accululation B), f160 (accululation B) [Input: U321SC3.j]
View/drawing of locus 2010-03-21 sC k100 [Input: U321SC3.j]
View/drawing range 2010-03-21 sC tight shot [Input: U321SC3.j]
View/drawing orientation 2010-03-21 sC looking north [Input: U321SC3.j]
Web view
L_V193182 J4v84a Q920 dM.jpg
2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]

2022-09-10 !!! [Input: J04_VWX.j]