Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-28


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! surface
Best definition 2009-08-08 sE pavement, type c [Input: T901SE.j]
Summary 2012-12-16 jW Soil and pebble pavement in k105 below accumulation f244 and above accumulations f250, f251, f253, and f254, and abutting stairs f205. [Input: WZ16JW.j]
Best image 2009-08-23 jN
v181 [Input: T823JN.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2009-08-07 jW This is a level floor surface of grayish soil, very small pebbles and relatively few sherds. It slopes slightly to the south and it abuts the third step of stair, f205. It goes into the north and southwestern baulks of k106 and extends for about 5 meters southward into an area damaged by water flow. It was well-sealed by f244 above. [Input: T807JW.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2009-08-08 sE k105 [Input: T901SE.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2009-08-09 jN r1363 (42874 45875 - 8919 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-09 jN r1364 (42639 45821 - 8913 / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-09 jN r1365 (42665 45688 - 8925 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-09 jN r1366 (42853 45676 - 8930 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-10 sE r1370 (43039 45679 - 8941 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-10 sE r1371 (43022 45874 - 8942 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-10 sE r1372 (42989 45395 - 8897 / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
2009-08-10 sE r1373 (42855 45475 - 8920 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: T812sE.r]
M#/elev @top 2009-08-08 sE 8917 [Input: T901SE.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2009-08-08 sE 8906 [Input: T901SE.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2012-12-31 jW f205 (stone installation) abuts f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
2012-12-31 jW f244 (accumulation D) covers f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2009-08-10 !! q383.1 (grinding stone) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383.2 (grinding stone) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 sE q383 (bones, pottery) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p2 (bowl) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p3 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p4 (bowl) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p5 (bowl) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p6 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p7 (jar) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p8 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p9 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p10 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p11 (jar) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p12 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p13 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p14 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p15 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p16 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p17 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p18 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p19 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p20 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p21 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p22 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p23 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p24 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p25 (bowl) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p26 (jar) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p27 (bowl) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p28 (jar) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p29 (jar) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p30 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p31 (bowl) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p32 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p34 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p35 (jar) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p36 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p37 (base) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p38 (rim) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p70 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p71 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p72 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p73 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p74 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p75 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p76 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p77 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p78 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p79 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p80 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p81 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p82 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p83 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p84 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p85 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
2009-08-10 !! q383-p86 (body sherd) sits in f246 (pavement, type c) [Input: T813JN.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2012-12-31 jW f246 (pavement, type c) abuts f205 (stone installation) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
2012-12-31 jW f246 (pavement, type c) covers f250 (accumulation D) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
2012-12-31 jW f246 (pavement, type c) covers f251 (accumulation B) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
2012-12-31 jW f246 (pavement, type c) covers f253 (accumulation D) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
2012-12-31 jW f246 (pavement, type c) covers f254 (stone installation) [Input: WZ31JW.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2012-10-16 jW s178J5B [Input: WX16JW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2012-10-16 !! h7fJ5B [Input: WX16JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2009-08-08 sE soil [Input: T901SE.j]
Color 2009-08-08 sE light brownish gray [Input: T901SE.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2009-08-08 sE 10YR 6/2 [Input: T901SE.j]
Hardness, compaction 2009-08-08 sE 4.5 [Input: T901SE.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2009-08-08 jN [Input: T810SE1.j]

2009-08-08 jN [Input: T810SE1.j]

2009-08-09 jN [Input: T810SE1.j]

2009-08-09 jN [Input: T810SE1.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]

2009-08-10 jN [Input: T819JN.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2009-08-08 sE T810 [Input: T901SE.j]