eLibrary (Version 2)

Beta release


General interest: chronological

Chronological bibliography of general interest

Giorgio Buccellati – 2002-2010
Stefania Ermidoro – 2011-2013
Laerke Recht – 2013-2017
Marco De Pietri – 2018-present

     Items are here listed chronologically, with a link to the full citation as given in the section alphabetic bibliography of general interest.


Vico, Giambattista Principj di scienza nuova d'intorno alla comune natura delle nazioni
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Darwin, Charles The Origin of Species
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Starr, Richard F.S. Report on the Excavations at Yorgan Tepa Near Kirkuk, Iraq conducted by Harvard University in Conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia, 1927-1931
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Otten, Heinrich Mythen vom Gotte Kumarbi: neue Fragmente
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Leisegang, Hans Denkformen
Michalowski, Piotr Tokenism
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Darwin, Charles R. The autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882
Gerth, Hand H. & C. Wright Mills From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology
Oppenheim, A. Leo “An Operational Device in Mesopotamian Bureaucracy”
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Hamilton, Edith & Huntington Cairns (eds) The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Including the Letters
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Buccellati, Giorgio “I testi economici della III dinastia di Ur. Review to: Tom B. Jones and John W. Snyder, Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Ur Dynasty, A Catalogue and Discussion of Documents from Various Collections”
Buccellati, Giorgio “La storia della Siria antica. Review to: F. Michelini Tocci, La Siria nell'età di Mari,”
Review to: Mario Liverani, Storia di Ugarit nell'età degli archivi politici
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Roux, Georges Ancient Iraq
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Amiet, Pierre “Il y a 5000 ans les Elamites inventaient l'écriture”
Buccellati, Giorgio The Amorites of the Ur III Period
Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to: Herbert Bardwell Huffmon, Amorite Personal Names in the Mari Texts: A Structural and Lexical Study
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Buccellati, Giorgio Cities and Nations of Ancient Syria. An Essay on Political Institutions with Special Reference to the Israelite Kingdoms
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “Archaeological Survey of the Palmyrene and the Jebel Bishri”
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Liverani, Mario “Review to: Buccellati, G. 1966, The Amorites of the Ur III Period, Pubblicazioni del Seminario di Semitistica. Ricerche I, Naples: Istituto Orientale di Napoli”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to: Giorgio R. Castellino, Mitologia sumerico-accadica
Van Loon, Maurits & Giorgio Buccellati “The 1968 Excavation at Korucutepe Near Elâziǧ”
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Van Loon, Maurits & Giorgio Buccellati “Şikago ve Kalifornia Üniversiteleri 1968 Korucutepe Kazısı Raporu/The University of Chicago-University of California Excavations at Korucutepe - 1968”
Mansfeld, Günter “3. Scherben mit altkanaanäischer Schrft vom Kamid el-Loz”
Oppenheim, A. Leo et al. Glass and Glassmaking in Ancient Mesopotamia
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Tre saggi sulla sapienza mesopotamica”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to : Mirjo Salvini, Nairi e Ir(u)aṭri. Contributo alla storia della Formazione del regno di Urarṭu
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Methodological Concerns and the Progress of Ancient Near Eastern Studies”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Foreword”
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Buccellati, Giorgio cApiru and Munnabtūtu — The Stateless of the First Cosmopolitan Age”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Terqa Preliminary Reports, No. 2: A Cuneiform Tablet of the Early Second Millennium B.C.”
Buccellati, Giorgio “The «Urban Revolution» in a Socio-Political Perspective”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati New Archaeological Harvests from Syria
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “Syro-Mesopotamian Studies: A Preface”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati Terqa Preliminary Reports, No. 1: General Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record of the First Two Seasons
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Mesopotamian Sphragistics”
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise “An Archaic Recording System and the Origin of Writing”
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Buccellati, Giorgio Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 10. The Fourth Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record (edited by Giorgio Buccellati)
Macaulay, David Motel of the Mysteries
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Principles of Stylistic Analysis”
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Perception of Function and the Prehistory of the State in Syro-Mesopotamia”
Buccellati, Giorgio “The origin of Writing and the Beginning of History”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Stratigraphic Sections”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “Terqa 7”
Venkatesan, Mahalakhshmi I. et al. “Asphalt in carbon-14-dated archaeological samples from Terqa, Syria”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Allocution de représentant des participants”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Computer Aided Research in Near Eastern Studies: An Introduction”
Buccellati, Giorgio, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati & Mario Liverani “The Scribes of Terqa”
Tufte, Edward R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Allocution de représentant des participants”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to: John Boardman et al. (eds), The Cambridge Ancient History
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Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “Terqa and the Kingdom of Khana”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Analyzing Assyrian Palace Reliefs. Review to: Leo Bersani and Ulysse Dutoit, The Forms of Violence: Narrative in Assyrian Art and Modern Culture
Buccellati, Giorgio “Computer Projects”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “The Glory of Ancient Syria. Ebla to Damascus, Part I”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “The Glory of Ancient Syria. Ebla to Damascus, Part II”
Goody, Jack The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society
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Buccellati, Giorgio “On the Distribution of Epigraphic Finds at Terqa”
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Anati, Emmanuel Origini dell'arte e della concettualità
Buccellati, Giorgio “Ancient Syria. Introduction”
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Kingdom and Period of Khana”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Gilgamesh and Enkidu: The First Encounter (The Old Babylonian Pennsylvania Tablet)”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “Introduction”
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Harris, Edward Cecil Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Cybernetica Mesopotamica”
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Ebla Electronic Corpus: Graphemic Analysis”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Experiments in Salt Production at Tell Qraya”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Fron Khana to Laqê: the End of Syro-Mesopotamia”
Buccellati, Giorgio “'River Bank', 'High Country', and 'Pasture Land': the Growth of Nomadism on the Middle Euphrates and the Khabur”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to: Wayne T. Pitard, Ancient Damascus: A Historical Study of the Syrian City-State from Earliest Times until its Fall to the Assyrians in 732 B.C.E.
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Rural Landscape of the Ancient Zor : The Terqa Evidence”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Salt at the Dawn of History: the Case of the Bevelled-Rim Bowls”
Buccellati, Giorgio & Stephen Reimer “Tell Ziyada”
Roaf, Michael Cultural Atlas of the Ancient Near East
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Buccellati, Giorgio “A Note on the muškēnum as a 'Homesteader'”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “The Ebla Electronic Corpus: Onomastic Analysis”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Ebla and the Amorites”
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise Before Writing
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Gli Amorrei e l'“addomesticamento” della steppa”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Through a Tablet Darkly. A Reconstruction of Old Akkadian Monuments Described in Old Babylonian Copies”
Zimansky, Paul E. A review article of Schmandt-Besserat 1992, Before Writing
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Eblaite and Amorite Names”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Ethics and Piety in the Ancient Near East”
Franklin, Kristine L. & Nancy McGirr (eds) Out of the Dump
Stanley Price, Nicholas “Excavation and Conservation”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “The Role of Socio-Political Factors in the Emergence of 'Public' and 'Private' Domains in Early Mesopotamia”
Buccellati, Giorgio A Structural Grammar of Babylonian
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Akkadian and Amorite Phonology”
Grafton, Anthony The Footnote. A Curious History
Jones, Siân The Archaeology of Ethnicity
Oates, David, Joan Oates & Helen McDonald Excavations at Tell Brak
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to: Aviram, J. and Shanks, H. (eds) [1996], Archaeology's Publication Problems, Washington D.C., Biblical Archaeology Society
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Ivanov, Vyacheslav V. “Comparative Notes on Hurro-Urartian, Northern Caucasian and Indo-European”
Oakes, Guy & Arthur J. Vidich Collaboration, Reputation, and Ethics in American Academic Life
Sallaberger, Walther & Aage Westenholz Mesopotamien. Akkade-Zeit und Ur III-Zeit
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Buccellati, Giorgio “On Poetry and Friendship: Linear and Tensional Elements in the Old Babylonian Episode of Gilgamesh and Enkidu”
Carandini, Andrea Storie dalla terra
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Agnew, Neville “Methodology, Conservation Criteria and Performance Evaluation for Archaeological Site Shelters”
Palumbo, Gaetano “Sheltering an Archaeological Structure in Petra”
Wäfler, Markus Tall al-Ḥamīdīya 3. Zur historischen Geographie von Idamaraṣ zur Zeit der Archive von Mari(2) und Šubat-enlil/Šeḫnā
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Moser, Stephanie et al.
“Transforming Archaeology through Practice”
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Weiss, Harley et al. “Revising the contours of history at Tell Leilan”
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Baltacioğlu, Hatçe “Alaca Höyük sfenksli kapı aşçilar kabartması [Depictions of cooks on the Sphinx Gate at Alaca Höyük]”
Rossi, Marco “'Drill-holes - Lewis-holes' a Ebla: Evidenze e considerazioni”
Zettler, Richard L. “Reconstructing the World of Ancient Mesopotamia: Divided Beginnings and Holistic History”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Review to: Geyer, B. (ed.) [2001], Conquête de la steppe et appropriation des terres sur les marges arides du Croissant fertile, Lyon: Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen, Jean Pouilloux (= Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen, 36)”
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Agnew, Neville & Martha Demas “Monitoring through Replication”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Present at Creation”
Charpin, Dominique, Dietz Otto Edzard & Marten Stol Mesopotamien. Die altbabylonische Zeit
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Gladwell, Malcolm Blink. The Power of Thinking without Thinking
Goldhausen, Marco & Andrea Ricci “Political Centralization in the Syrian Jezira during the 3rd Millennium:
A Case Study in Settlement Hierarchy”
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Agnew, Neville & Janet Bridgland Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation
Akrawi, Aysar “NGO and Government Collaboration in Archaeological Site Management”
Buccellati, Giorgio “On (e)-tic and -emic”
Holland, Thomas A. Archaeology of the Bronze Age, Hellenistic, and Roman Remains at an Ancient Town on the Euphrates River
Palumbo, Gaetano “Privatization of State-owned Cultural Heritage”
Schroer, Silvia (ed.) Images and Gender. Contributions to the Hermeneutic of Reading Ancient Art
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Non-linear archaeology”
Haarmann, Harald Foundations of Culture
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise When Writing Met Art
Wolf, Maryanne Proust and the squid
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Aruz, Joan, Kim Benzel & Jean M. Evans Beyond Babylon
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Origin of the Tribe and the 'Industrial' Agropastoralism in Syro-Mesopotamia”
Carr, Nicholas “Is Google Making us Stupid? What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains”
Creekmore, Andrew Theodore (III) Kazane Höyük and Urban Life Histories in Third Millennium Upper Mesopotamia
Suter, Claudia E. “Who are the Women in Mesopotamian Art from ca. 2334-1763 BCE?”
Veenhof, Klaas & Jesper Eidem Mesopotamia. The Old Assyrian Period
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Falb, Christian Untersuchungen an Keramikwaren des dritten Jahrtausends v. Chr. aus Nordsyrien
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Ben-Shlomo, David Philistine Iconography: A Wealth of Style and Symbolism
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Question of Digital Thought”
Kepinski-Lecomte, Christine “Turkmenistan and Northern Mesopotamia during the Bronze Period”
Kozhin, Pavel Mikhaĭlovich et al. (eds) On the Track of Uncovering a Civilization. A Volume in Honor of the 80th-Anniversary of Victor Sarianidi
Salvatori, Sandro “Thinking around grave 3245 in the 'Royal Graveyard' of Gonur (Murghab Delta, Turkmenistan)”
Watson, W.G.E. “La lengua y la historia de los hurritas y de los urarteos: segunda bibliografia complementaria [Language and History of the Hurrians and Urartians Second Complementary Bibliography]”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Digital Edition and Graphemic Analysis of the Ebla Texts”
Rohn, Karin Beschriftete mesopotamische Siegel der Frühdynastischen und der Akkad-Zeit
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Aten in Amurru?”
Corti, Carlo & Franca Pecchioli-Daddi “The Power in Heaven: Remarks on the So-Called Kumarbi Cycle”
Lebrun, René & Michel Mazoyer “Les constructions célestes”
McCarthy, Andrew “The End of Empire: Akkadian and post-Akkadian glyptic in the Jezirah, the evidence from Tell Leilan in context”
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Asher-Grave, Julia & Goodnick Westenholz Goddesses in Context: On Divine Powers, Roles, Relationships and Gender in Mesopotamian Textual and Visual Sources
Braun-Holzinger, Eva Andrea Frühe Gotterdarstellungen in Mesopotamien. Ihre Beziehungen im Spiegel der Archäologie und der Literatur des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt
Davies, Toby et al. “Application of an entropy maximizing and dynamics model for understanding settlement structure: the Khabur Triangle in the Middle Bronze and Iron Ages”
Kalayci, Tuna Agricultural Production and Stability of Settlement Systems in Upper Mesopotamia during the Early Bronze Age (Third Millennium BCE)
Makowski, Maciej “Anthropomorphic figurines of the second millennium BC from Tell Arbid. Preliminary report”
Otto, Adelheid “Königssiegel als Programm – Überlegungen zum Selbstverständnis altorientalischer Herrscher und zur Deutung der Tierkampfszene”
Ristvet, Lauren & Harvey Weiss “The Ḫābūr Region in Old Babylonian Period”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “The threefold 'invention' of time: transcendental, transcendent, trans-temporal”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Nella storia, la compagnia del destino all'uomo”
Budin, Stephanie Lynn “Fertility and Gender in the Ancient Near East”
MacDougal, Renata Remembrance and the Dead in Second Millennium BC Mesopotamia
Nadali, Davide “Family Portraits. Some Considerations on the Iconographical Motif of the 'Woman with Child' in the art of the Third Millennium B.C.E.”
Özyar, Aslı “Anatolia from 2000 to 550 BCE”
Sanders, Akiva Fingerprints and the Organization of the Ceramic Industry Over Time at Tell Leilan. Gender and the State in Northern Mesopotamia during the Earlyand Middle Bronze Age
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Buccellati, Giorgio “The Transcendental Revolution”
Laneri, Nicola (ed.) Defining the Sacred
Nadali, Davide & Andrea Polcaro (eds) Archeologia della Mesopotamia antica
Perini, Silvia & Emma Cunliffe Towards a protection of the Syrian cultural heritage: A summary of the national and international responses Volume III (Sept 2014 - Sept 2015)
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d'Agostino, Anacleto L'Alto Tigri nelle età del Bronzo Antico e Medio. Siti, sequenze e ceramiche rosso-brune tra fine III e inizio II mill. a.C.
Mora, Clelia & Mauro Giorgieri “Alcuni passi del poema di Gilgamesh in due tavolette ittite inedite”
Popa, Elena Isabela Agency of Women in Mesopotamian Religion of the Second Millennium BC
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Buccellati, Giorgio & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati “Community Archaeology 1984: At the Interface between Practice and Theory”
Carandini, Andrea La forza del contesto
Esteban Monti, Luciano A Systematic Approach to the Hurrian Pantheon: The Onomastic Evidence
Renn, Jürgen, Wilhelm Osthues & Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.) Wissensgeschichte der Architektur. Band I: Vom Neolithikum bis zum Alten Orient
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Di Salvo, Santina Adaptive Materials Research for Architecture
Matthiae, Paolo Dalla terra alla storia. Scoperte leggendarie di archeologia orientale
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Abbati, Valeria (degli) Composizione e numero dei contingenti militari nell'Età del Bronzo. Mesopotamia, Siria e Anatolia
Buccellati, Federico Alessandro “Houses of Nippur: An Architectural Study using EnCAB”
Meijer, Diederik J.W. “Giorgio Buccellati's Critique and Archaeological Explanation”
Millek, Jesse M. Exchange, Destruction, and a Transitioning Society: Interregional Exchange in the Southern Levant from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron I
Recht, Laerke Human Sacrifice
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Akar, Murat & Demet Kara “The formation of collective, political and cultural memory in the Middle Bronze Age: foundation and termination rituals at Toprakhisar Höyük”
Buccellati, Giorgio “'Awīliš īwē'. L'uomo mesopotamico come figlio della città”
Erskine, Neil D.A. Folds, fields, and fauna: A Deleuzo-Guattarian approach to the socialising power of religious experiences in Ancient Near Eastern landscapes
Jabbour, Ali The Evolution of Defensive Elements in the Syrian Cities and Kingdoms during the Bronze Age. “Syrian Jazirah, Euphrates region, Northern Levant, Between the Early and Middle Bronze Age”
Price, Max D. Evolution of a Taboo. Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East
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Akar, Murat, K. Aslıhan Yener, Müge Bulu & Tara Ingman “A Fresh Perspective on the Middle Bronze Age at Tell Atchana, Alalakh: The 2007-2019 Seasons”
Buccellati, Giorgio “The Cosmos before Cosmology: Foreshadowing of Order in Prehistory”
Vila, Emmanuelle et al. “EVOSHEEP: the makeup of sheep breeds in the ancient Near East”
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Akar, Murat & Demet Kara “A lead figurine from Toprakhisar Höyük: magico-ritual objects in the Syro-Anatolian Middle Bronze Age”
Buccellati, Giorgio “Transformative Transitions: Learning from a Distant Past”
Dolce, Rita “Real Human Bodies, Images of Bodies and the Time Factor in the Early Cultures of Mesopotamia and Syria”
Recht, Laerke The Spirited Horse. Equid-Human Relations in the Bronze Age Near East
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Nyarko-Mensah, Paul Proverbs 31:10-31 From a Ghanaian and (Akan) Womanist Perspectives - Inculturation and Liberation Hermeneutics Approach
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Price, Max D. & Jesse Wolfhagen “Wool they, won't they: Zooarchaeological perspectives on the political and subsistence economies of wool in northern Mesopotamia”
Tarontsi, Saak “Hurrian Tree of Life as Historical-Originational Foundation for Meaningful Symbol of Urartian Sacred Tree”
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Buccellati, Giorgio “Umanesimo digitale. I frammenti in-discorso con il tutto”
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