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Giorgio Buccellati – November 2002
Urkesh and the Hurrians
A Volume in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen

Edited by G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati.
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 26, Malibu: Undena Publications, 1998.

Summary and Table of Contents

Full digital version of the volume (Online).
Full digital version of the volume (Download as .zip).

     The series Urkesh/Mozan Studies. continues directly the earlier series which was simply entitled Mozan and which has been discontinued (hence there are no volumes 1 and 2 in the UMS series). An accompanying slide set and a CD which duplicates exactly the volume and the slides is also available.

      Dedicated to Lloyd Cotsen, a well-known Aegean archaeologist and a long time friend and supporter of the Expedition, the volume opens with a presentation to the honoree and a biographical sketch by Ernestine S. Elster.

     The first four chapters, by staff members, deal with new aspects of the excavations at Mozan/Urkesh, while the others, by distinguished colleagues from Europe and the United States, place the site in its wider historical perspective.

Giorgio Buccellati - Preface
Ernestine S. Elster - Lloyd Cotsen: A Brief Archaeological Biography

Giorgio Buccellati - Urkesh as Tell Mozan: Profiles of the Ancient City

Marilyn Kelly Buccellati - The Workshops of Urkesh

Federico Buccellati – 3D Rendering and Animation at Tell Mozan/Urkesh

Rick A. Hauser – The Equids of Urkesh: What the Figurines Say

Piotr Steinkeller – The Historical Background of Urkesh and the Hurrian Beginnings in Northern Mesopotamia

Mirjo Salvini – The Earliest Evidence of the Hurrians Before the Formation of the Reign of Mittanni

Gernot Wilhelm – Die Inschrift des Tišatal von Urkeš

Vyacheslav Ivanov – Horse Symbols and the Name of the Horse in Hurrian

Harry A. Hoffner – Hurrian Civilization from a Hittite Perspective

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