Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
This page collects all the “staff initials”, i.e. the abbreviations used by people working on the Urkesh website. Each abbreviations consists of two or three digits (the first in lower case, the second and the third ones in upper case, e.g. gB [Giorgio Buccellati] or mKB [Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati]).
Names and surnames in italic belong to local Syrian people involved in field excavation or lab work.
The following table is structured in order to provide the following information:
- Col. 1, "Initials": the aforementioned "staff initial"
- Col. 2, "Name": provides the first name(s)
- Col. 3, "Last Name": displays the surname
- Col. 4, "Activity": describes in short the main activity undertaken at Mozan or in projects related to Urkesh
- Col. 5-14, "Seasons": lists the seasons (indicated with the "UGR year names", represented by an upper case Roman letter, e.g. "A" = 1990 [for details, see the "Seasons' Short List (PDF)"]) joint by the specific person; if these columns are blank, it means that the specific person started working on Mozan's projects after the end of the excavations season (i.e., 2010 = U); the "study seasons" (i.e. from 2011 onwards, = "23a" [the "study seasons are indicated with the number "23" (that is the "excavation season's code" of the last year of excavation, i.e. 2010 ) + a Roman small case letter (e.g. "a"); thus, "23a" is the "study season's code" for year 2011 (NB: at the moment, these codes are not used in the following table) [for an overview on these codes, see the "Seasons' Short List (PDF)"]
- Col. 15, "e-mail": here the personal or institutional e-mail address is entered, in the form of a clickable link directly opening an e-mail in the user's personal e-mail provider (NB: please note that these e-mails are entered under people's permission, and they are intended to be used for working reasons only)
- Col. 16, "Notes": here general notes or remarks are entered; sometimes, double initials (i.e., two different initials attributed to the same person during time) are signaled here
This page lists firstly all the “staff initials” in alphabetical order (section “Sorted by Initials”), secondly a list of the “cumulative staff initials”, i.e. the initials of people joining the same activity, i.e. a “joint project” (section “Joint Projects”), e.g. Beatrice Landini (bL) working together with Marta Lorenzon (mL): in this case the “combination code” bML will be used in the UGR; last, a list of people in alphabetical order (following their surnames) is provided (section “Sorted by Names”).
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Sorted by initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Alan |
Arbore |
Anwar |
Abdel-Ghafour |
Photographer |
G |
Adib Afif |
Juma |
Surveyor, photo clerk |
T |
Alessandra |
Asteriti-Mathys |
N |
Alice |
Bianchi |
K |
Alessandra |
Cellerino |
T |
Alessandro |
Canci |
Ani |
Eblighatian |
S |
Alice |
Frigerio |
see Alice Bianchi |
Alberto |
Flamini |
U |
Adam |
Anderson |
T |
Ali |
Hadi |
N |
Armand J. |
Fulco |
Photo LA |
N |
Anthony |
Mathys |
N |
Arwa |
Kharobi |
U |
Abd el-Karim |
Hassan |
Ceramics draftsman |
K |
Antonio |
Landi |
P |
Andrea |
Longinotti |
Adnan |
Masum |
N |
Amer |
Ahmad |
Conservation - site monitoring |
Abdel Muhaman |
Hatabi |
U |
Alexia |
Pavan |
N |
O |
Abd el-Rahman |
Kusa |
N |
Alessandra |
Salvin |
Q |
Alberto |
Savioli |
Ahmad |
Tarakji |
DoA Rep |
R |
S |
Anne |
Wissing |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Beatrice |
Angeli |
N |
Q |
Bernardo |
Forni |
Webmaster |
Bianca |
Hinzer |
U |
Beatrice |
Landini |
Q |
R |
Bruna |
Mariani |
N |
Beatrice & Marta |
Landini & Lorenzon |
Q |
R |
Beatrice |
Paolucci |
Bernard |
Schneider |
U |
Benjamin |
Studevent-Hickman |
Barbara |
Pritzkat |
N |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Caterina |
Coccia |
Q |
R |
Carlo |
Conti |
L |
may be cC in some places |
Cristina |
Catteneo |
K |
may be cC in some places |
Dennis |
Cecchin |
N |
could have been dC1 |
Christopher |
Woods |
G |
Chiara |
Fornari |
Christian |
Fischer |
Christian |
Huebner |
O |
Q |
Caitlin |
Chaves Yates |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Cecily |
Hilsdale |
Asst Prof Northwestern |
Christine |
Hoang |
work-study 2008-2010 |
Christine |
Kimbrough |
(MZ11 1998 I) |
Claudia |
Liuzza |
S |
Carol |
Noyes |
MZ8-MZ10 |
Christoph |
Kuemmel |
Cristina |
Ravedoni |
K |
Carmen |
Valdes Pereiro |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
Claudia |
Wettstein |
N |
Daniela |
Crasso |
N |
Q |
R |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Dominic |
Hosner |
S |
Diadin and Ibrahim |
Majdal and Khellu |
dM and iKH separately |
Diadin Mustapha |
Majdal |
N |
O |
dM on many files |
Daniele |
Lampasona |
S |
Diadin Mustafa |
Majdal |
Photographer |
P |
Q |
R |
Diep |
Shoemaker |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Elena |
Asero |
S |
T |
U |
Elena |
Alfani |
Elias |
Abd el-Nur |
DoA Rep, draftsman |
P |
R |
S |
T |
Esmeralda |
Argolli |
Elena |
Devecchi |
K |
Elizabeth |
Drolet |
U |
Enrico |
DeBenedictis |
Q |
R |
Eduardo |
Escobar |
S |
Ellery |
Frahm |
Q |
Eliana |
Iorfida |
Q |
Emilio |
Semidei |
UGR Assistant |
full name: Emilio Silvano Marco Semidei |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Federico A. |
Buccellati |
Co-director |
A |
to |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Fonda |
Portales |
N |
Fanxi |
Xu |
K |
R |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Giorgio |
Buccellati |
Director |
A |
to |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Gabriele |
Croppi |
Giuseppe |
Gallacci |
N |
O |
P |
Giada |
Minisini |
O |
P |
Geveen |
Walat al-Hassan |
L |
M |
T |
U |
Gheath |
Zahwah |
L |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Hikmet |
Awad |
DoA Rep |
T |
Hans |
Bernard |
S |
U |
Hassan |
Bekko |
D of A Rep |
Q |
Helene |
Cooper |
Heidi |
Dodgen |
Heike |
Dohmann-Pfälzner |
Hammade |
Hamza |
Ceramics analyst |
K |
P |
Q |
Hussein |
Masum |
N |
Hans-Peter |
Uerpmann |
Q |
S |
Hiba |
Qassar |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Hoorig |
Sarkissian |
UCLA collaborator |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Ismail |
Ahmad |
Ibrahim Muhammad Amin |
Khellu |
Data management |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
Ibrahim |
Ismail |
Field assistant |
Isa Isa |
Isa |
Ceramics draftsman |
…P |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
Also known as Ismail Mesto |
Ismail |
Musa |
Guard |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
James Adam |
Kessler |
P |
Jean |
Evans |
O |
P |
Jamie E. |
Forde |
Juliane |
Groischke |
Jana |
Haj Hamid |
U |
Jeff |
Jarmakani |
N |
O |
John |
Lynch |
N |
jAL in some files |
Jeanette |
Matovich |
James L. |
Walker |
jW in most files |
Jennie |
Meyers |
(MZ9 1996 G) |
Juma Khalil |
Mamo |
Ceramics draftsman |
N |
P |
Jeanne |
Nijhowne |
T |
U |
Jason |
Craig |
Jamal |
Omar |
N |
P |
Q |
Julian |
Schwiatkowski |
U |
Johanna |
Tudeau |
James L. |
Walker |
G |
to |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
cf. jLW |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Khozama |
al-Bahloul |
Katleen |
Deckers |
Q |
Kamiran Feisal |
Majdl |
Computer |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
Kenneth |
Garrett |
Photographer |
N |
National Geographic Society |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Lorenzo |
Crescioli |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Lanfredo |
Castelletti |
K |
Daria |
Lucini |
Ceramics assistant; MZS Archive (field books) |
Lawrence |
Feisal |
Field assistant |
N |
Lukas |
Gran |
Lujain |
Hatahet |
Q |
R |
S |
Lanah |
Haddad |
U |
Lucia |
Joel |
Q |
Lewand |
Juma |
Q |
Lara |
Aho |
K |
Asst Prof Classics, Duke |
Lubna |
Omar |
S |
Laura |
Ramos |
N |
Q |
Lilyann |
Williams |
S |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Marta |
Abbado |
Michael |
Baecker |
Marie-Claude |
Tremouille |
R |
T |
Matteo |
Delle Donne |
T |
Marco |
De Pietri |
Website editor |
Maurizio |
Forte |
N |
Q |
S |
Minna |
Haapanen |
N |
O |
P |
Michael |
Henderson |
Marilyn |
Kelly-Buccellati |
Co-director; ceramics |
A |
to |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Marta |
Lorenzon |
Q |
Massimo |
Maiocchi |
S |
T |
U |
Mutleb |
Malik |
U |
Marianna |
Nikolaidou |
Q |
T |
Muhammad Nabil |
Hafez |
Q |
Mustapha |
Ode |
Q |
S |
Muhammad Ali |
Omo |
Guard |
Muntaser |
Qasem |
Photographer |
Michael |
Rauch |
Q |
Margarthe |
Uerpmann |
mU in some files |
Mary |
Stancavage |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
Matteo |
Stangalini |
U |
Mada |
Saleh |
U |
Melanie |
Wachsmuth |
Mathilde |
Touillon-Ricci |
U |
Mahara |
Sinclaire |
Margarethe |
Uerpmann |
Q |
S |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Nicolo' |
Dell'Unto |
N |
Q |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Omar Faris |
Bro |
Onk Kar |
Khalsa |
K |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Patrizia |
Camatta |
P |
Q |
S |
T |
U |
Pia |
de Simone |
Paola |
Orlando |
K |
Paola |
Pesaresi |
P |
Q |
Pietro |
Pozzi |
SI draftsman |
K |
pp in some files (MZ9,10) |
Peter |
Pfälzner |
IC, German team |
pp in some files |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Riyadh |
Ali |
N |
Rick |
Hauser |
N |
Ronida |
Cheko |
UCLA collaborator |
Rateb |
Dibs |
L |
N |
Rasha |
Endari |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
Riyadh |
Feisal |
N |
Raju |
Kunjummen |
Laerke |
Recht |
could have been lR1 | ||
Ralph |
Sariego |
G |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Samer |
Abdel Ghafour |
G |
O |
Sophie |
Bonetti |
N |
Sarah |
Comelli |
P |
Q |
S |
Sabrina |
Droz |
Silvia |
di Martino |
K |
Silvana |
di Paolo |
Stefania |
Ermidoro |
S |
T |
U |
Sarah |
Graf |
Stephan |
Giese |
Q |
Sveta |
Gennai |
L |
Shindar |
Hessu |
T |
Shellal Muhammad |
Halaf |
R |
Shiar |
Ibrahim |
Q |
Jessica |
Scaciga |
Ceramic assistant for A15 |
Sahar |
Muhammad |
Ceramics assistant |
S |
T |
Sultan |
Masum |
Stephen M. |
Hughey |
Saikat M. |
Mukherjee |
Assistant to MEL (e-Library) |
Steve |
Perry |
K |
Salvatore |
Viaggio |
L |
Silvia |
Privitera |
S |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Travis |
Rohmer |
L |
Tobias |
Welz |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Vincenzo |
Nubile |
Q |
Valeria |
Paoletti |
K |
Valentina |
Santi |
O |
P |
Vincent |
van Exel |
O |
P |
Q |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
William |
Orrange |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Yingshan |
Guo |
Yousuf |
Kacho |
DoA Rep |
S |
Yasmine |
Mahmoud |
Figurine specialist |
S |
T |
U |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Zichan |
Wang |
Ceramic assistant for A15 |
zA - zZ |
Reserved for dates beginning 2015 |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Joint Projects
Occasionally two or more staff members work as a team on special projects. The combination is assigned a special code. The codes and the participants are listed below:
bML | Beatrice Landini [bL] and Marta Lorenzon [mL] |
aMHbS | Abdel Muhaman Hatabi [aMH] and Bernard Schneider [bS] |
aMX | Abdel Muhaman Hatabi [aMH] and Matteo Stangalini [mS1] |
bSX | Bernard Schneider [bS] and Lanah Haddad [lH1] |
eDX | Elizabeth Drolet [eD1] and Stefania Ermidoro [sE] |
jSX | Julian Schwiatkowski [jS] and Mutleb Malik [mM1] |
mMX | Elizabeth Drolet [eD1], Julian Schwiatkowski [jS], and Mutleb Malik [mM1] |
mS1bH | Bianca Hinzer [bH] and Matteo Stangalini [mS1] |
mSX | Elizabeth Drolet [eD1], Matteo Stangalini [mS1], and Stefania Ermidoro [sE] |
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Sorted by Names
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Abbado Marta [mA]
- Abd el-Nur Elias [eAN]
- Abdel Ghafour [sAG]
- Ahmad Amer [aMA]
- Ahmad Ismail [iA]
- Aho Lara [lKA]
- al-Bahloul Khozama [kAB]
- Alfani Elena [eA]
- Ali Riyahd [ra]
- Anderson Adam G. [aGA]
- Angeli Beatrice [bA]
- Arbore Alan [aA]
- Argoli Esmeralda [eAR]
- Asero Elena [eA]
- Asteriti-Mathys Alessandra [aAM]
- Awad Hikmet [hA]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Baecker Michael [mB]
- Bekko Hassan [hB]
- Bernard Hans [hB]
- Bianchi Alice [aB]
- Bonetti Sophie [sB]
- Bro Omar Faris [oB]
- Buccellati Giorgio [gB]
- Buccellati Federico Alessandro [fAB]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Camatta Patrizia [pC]
- Canci Alessandro [aC1]
- Castelletti Lanfredo [lC]
- Cattaneo Cristina [cC2]
- Cecchin Dennis [cD]
- Cellerino Alessandra [aC]
- Chaves Yates Caitlin J. [cJC]
- Cheko Ronida [rC]
- Coccia Caterina [cC]
- Comelli Sarah [sC]
- Conti Carlo [cC1]
- Cooper Helene [hC]
- Craig Jason [jNC]
- Crasso Daniela [dC]
- Crescioli Lorenzo [lC]
- Croppi Gabriele [gC]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- De Benedictis Enrico [eDB]
- De Pietri Marco [mDP]
- Deckers Katleen [kD]
- Dell’Unto Nicolò [nD]
- Delle Donne Matteo [mDD]
- Devecchi Elena [eD]
- Di Martino Silvia [sDM]
- Di Paolo Silvana [sDP]
- Dibs Rateb [rD]
- Dodgen Heidi [hDO]
- Dohmann-Pfälzner Heike [hDP]
- Drolet Elizabeth [eD1]
- Droz Sabrina [sD]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Feisal Lawrence [lf]
- Feisal Riyadh [rf]
- Fischer Christian [cF1]
- Flamini Alberto [aF1]
- Forde Jamie E. [jEF]
- Fornari Chiara [cF]
- Forni Bernardo [bF]
- Forte Maurizio [mF]
- Frahm Ellery [eF]
- Frigerio Alice [aF]
- Fulco Armand J. [aJF]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Gallacci Giuseppe [gG]
- Garret Kenneth [kLG]
- Gennai Sveta [sG]
- Ghafour Anwar Abd el- [aAG]
- Ghafour Samer Abdel [sAG]
- Giese Stephan [sG]
- Graff Sarah [sG]
- Gran Lukas [lG]
- Groischke Juliane [jG]
- Guo Yingshan [yG]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Haapanen Minna [mH]
- Haddad Lanah [lH1]
- Hadi Ali [ah]
- Hafez Muhammad Nabil [mNH]
- Haj Hamid Jana [jH]
- Halaf Shellal Muhammad [sHH]
- Hamza Hammade [hH]
- Hassan Abd el-Karim [akh]
- Hatabi Abdel Muhamman [aMH]
- Hatahet Lojain [lH]
- Hauser Rick [rAH]
- Henderson Michael [mh]
- Hessu Shindar [sH]
- Hilsdale Cecily [cJH]
- Hinzer Bianca [bH]
- Hoang Christine [cKH]
- Hosner Dominic [dH]
- Huebner Christian [cH]
- Hughey Stephen M. [sMH]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Kacho Yousuf [yK]
- Khalsa Onk Kar [oKK]
- Kelly-Buccellati Marilyn [mKB]
- Kessler James Adam [jAK]
- Kharobi Arwa [aK]
- Khellu Ibrahim Muhammad Amin [iKH]
- Kimbrough Christine [cKK]
- Kuemmel Christoph [cMK]
- Kunjummen Raju [rK]
- Kusa Abd el-Rahman [aRK]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Lampasona Daniele [dL]
- Landi Antonio [aL]
- Landini Beatrice [bL]
- Liuzza Claudia [cL]
- Longinotti Andrea
- Lorenzon Marta [mL]
- Lucini Daria [lD]
- Lynch John [jL]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Mahmoud Yasmine [yM]
- Maiocchi Massimo [mM]
- Majdl Diadin Mustafa [dM]
- Majdl Kamiran Feisal [kF]
- Mamo Juma Khalil [jM]
- Mariani Bruna [bM]
- Masum Adnan [am]
- Masum Hussein [hm]
- Masum Sultan [sM1]
- Mathys Anthony [ajm]
- Matovich Jeanette [jLM]
- Mesto Ismael [iI]
- Meyers Jennie [jM]
- Minisini Giada [gM]
- Muhammad Sahar [sM]
- Mukherjee Saikat [sMU]
- Musa Ismail [iMusa]
- Mutleb Malik [mM1]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Ode Mustapha [mO]
- Omar Jamal [jO]
- Omar Lubna [lO]
- Omo Muhammad Ali [mOmo]
- Orlando Paola [pO]
- Orrange William [wO]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Paoletti Valeria [vP]
- Paolucci Beatrice [bPA]
- Pavan Alexia [aP]
- Perry Steve [sP]
- Pesaresi Paola [pP]
- Pfälzner Peter [pP2]
- Portales Fonda [fP]
- Pozzi Pietro [pP1]
- Pritzkat Barbara [bWP]
- Privitera Silvia [sVP]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Saleh Mada [mS2]
- Salvin Alessandra [aS]
- Santi Valentina [vS]
- Sariego Ralph [rs]
- Sarkissian Hoorig [hS]
- Savioli Alberto
- Scaciga Jessica [sJ]
- Schneider Bernard [bS]
- Schwiatkowski Julian [jS]
- Semidei Emilio (Silvano Marco) [eS]
- Shoemaker Diep [dNS]
- Simone Pia, de [pDS]
- Sinclaire Mahara [mTS]
- Stancavage Mary [mS]
- Stangalini Matteo [mS1]
- Studevent-Hickman Benjamin
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
- Wachsmuth Melanie S. [mSW]
- Walat al-Hassan Geven [gW]
- Walker James L. [jW]
- Welz Tobias [tW]
- Wettstein Claudia [cW]
- Williams Lilyann [lW]
- Wissing Anne [aW]
- Woods Christopher E. [cEW]
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials
Back to top: List of staff by names and initials