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Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland 2006

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation.
Proceedings of the Conservation Theme at the 5th World Archaeological Congress, Washington, D.C., 22-26 June 2003.
Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.

These proceedings deal with many topics about conservation, considered as “a core value for most archaeological societies. It is highlighted in their codes of ethics, statements of mission, and governance. In recognition of this, the World Archaeological Congress, with the Getty Conservation Institute and a consortium of other conservation organizations, brought together scholars working throughout the globe to discuss vital issues that affect archaeological heritage today”.

The volume is divided into ten parts: 1) Plenary Presentations; 2) Innovative Approaches to Policy & Management of Archaeological Sites; 3) Conserving Archaeological Sites: New Approaches and Technique; 4) Finding Common Ground: The Role of Stakeholders in Decision Making; 5) Issues at World Heritage Sites; 6) Archaeology and Tourism: A Viable Partnership?; 7) Challenges in Conserving Archaeological Collections; 8) Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Iraq and Afghanistan; 9) Archaeology and Conservation in China Today; 10) Sharing Resources and Experience: Managing Archaeological & Rock Art Sites in Southern Africa.

Specifically, pp. 73-81 reports a paper by G. Buccellati [Conservation qua Archaeology at Tell Mozan/Urkesh], regarding the experimental system of covering designed for the conservation and preservation of the structures of the royal palace of Urkesh.

Note. The cover illustrates the localized shelter system of the Royal Palace AP at Urkesh.

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