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Alfonso Archi 2013

Marco De Pietri – February 2020

“The West Hurrian Pantheon and its Background,”
in Billie J. Collins and Piotr Michalowski (eds.), Beyond Hatti. A Tribute to gary Beckman, Atlanta: Lockwood Press, pp. 1-21.
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Alternative online version [Academia.edu]

The present contribution offers an overview on the Hurrian pantheon as it can be reconstructed on the basis of Hurro-Huttite mythological texts, and other various documentation (such as texts from Nuzi, Alalakh, Tell Leilan, Ebla, Ugarit, and Amarna). Moreover, Sumero-Akkadian influnce on religion is investigated, together with the use of epithets to determine specific divinities.

Urkesh is specifically quoted on pp. 4 (mentioning Tiš-atal, Atal-šen, and Tupkiš), 5 (about the title endan), and 7 (on Kumarbi); particularly noterworthy is the mention of Urkesh on p. 8, note 43, reporting G. Buccellati’s suggestion about the possible reading of dKIŠ.GAL/dKIŠ.UNU.GAL as ‘Kumarbi’: “The name is written dKIŠ.GAL in Tišatal’s inscription, dKIŠ.UNU.GAL in that by Atal-šen, see recently Wilhelm, “Die Inschrift des Tišatal von Urkeš,” 124-25. Giorgio Buccellati (review of La civiltà dei Hurriti. La Parola del Passato 55. WO 34 [2004] 212) has suggested that this logogram should be red Kumarbi. In favor of the identification with Nergal is the presence of dU.GUR (who was also the major god at Hayaša) in later documents, Haas, Geschichte der hethitischen Religion, 367-68”.

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