Ausgrabungen 1998-2001 in der Zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš.
Die Arkitektur und Stratigraphie der Zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš,
[Mit einem Beitrag von Christoph Kümmel].
Studien zur Urbanisierung Nordmesopotamiens Serie A, Band 1.,
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
This volume is wholly devoted to the presentation of the architecture and the stratigraphy of the Upper-city of Tell-Mozan/Urkesh, resulting from the 1998-2001 excavation seasons.
Chapter 1 (Introduction) presents the Tell Mozan-Project of the DOG, explaining the aims of the excavation and the strategies applied, mostly for what concerns architectural and stratigraphic analysis, defining the chronological frame of areas B6 and C2.
Chapter 2 describes the main structures of the Upper-city of Tell-Mozan/Urkesh, describing the function of the buildings and their possible reconstruction (also thanks to geomagnetic prospections), focusing on the architectonical features of the Oval-temple and its chronological timespan, from Level I (Early-Jazira period II) until Level VIII (Middle-Jazira period I) The last paragraph also offers a summary about the urban structure and the special development of both the Upper-city and the Lower-city during the same timeframe.
Chapter 3 offers an overview on the architecture and stratigraphy of the Oval-temple area and of the central square (Freifläche), presenting the firstly the subdivision of the excavated area and then a description of the mudbrick terrace (Lehmziegelterrasse), of the stone staircase and the access ramp to Temple BA (with a discussion about the many phases of each structure); then it is offered a presentation of a sounding opened on the area of the Oval-temple.
Chapter 4 displays the analysis of the architecture and the stratigraphy of the residential area C2, describing the different structures (houses, tombs and different installations), from phase C16 to phase C2.
Back to top: Alice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012