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Eva Andrea Braun-Holzinger 2013

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Frühe Götterdarstellungen in Mesopotamien. Ihre Beziehungen im Spiegel der Archäologie und der Literatur des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt.
OBO 261,
Fribourg, Göttingen: Academic Press, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
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The scholar presents a study on the first attested representations of gods in Mesopotamia. Nine chapters are devoted to explaining this topic: 1) an introduction about cultic statues, cultic symbols and their attributes leading to the identification of specific gods; 2) foundation figurines; 3) statuettes; 4) representations of gods in scenes from reliefs and seals; 5) early mythology; 6) themes related to vegetation and farming; 7) the role of the gods represented on glyptic; 8) general summary on the topics of the horned-crown and the denominations of the deities; 9) conclusions. At the end, a catalogue of all the quoted materials is attached.

Tell Mozan is namely mentioned on pp. 134, 139 (with n. 680) and 160, dealing with the motif of the god riding an equid, with a specific reference to Buccellati and Kelly-Buccellati 2002, pp. 22-25 (on p. 139, n. 680).

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