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Giorgio Buccellati 2004

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

“ANONYMUS (ed.): La civiltà dei Hurriti, La parola del passato. Rivista di studi antichi, Vol. 55 Napoli: Gaetano Macchiaroli, 2000, pp. 424”
Die Welt des Orients, pp. 209-214.

A critical analysis of an important miscellanea publication about the Hurrians, offering “the most complete review of Hurrian culture – combining a number of features that make it truly one of a kind in our discipline” (p. 209).

The topics of the publication can be grouped into three major areas related to history, linguistic studies and art-historical dimension.

The key question is about the ethnicity of the Hurrians, stressing the role of Urkesh attesting the antiquity of the Hurrian presence in Syro-Mesopotamia.

[For a specific summary of some of the chapters, see Giorgieri 2000a; Giorgieri 2000b; Pecorella 2000; Salvini 2000a; Salvini 2000b].

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