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Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

“Archaeological Survey of the Palmyrene and the Jebel Bishri,”
Archaeology 20/4 (October), 305–306.
See full text (JSTOR)

A brief reports on the UCLA survey of the desertic areas Palmyrene and the Jebel Bishri (North Syria), conducted in August 1966, aiming to find out archaeological attestations of Bronze Age period.

“The results show an influx of peoples from the sub–desert […] toward the drainage systems of the Orontes on the one hand and the Euphrates and the Tigris on the other” (p. 305).

The second part of the contribution presents the outcomings of some soundings performed by R. du Mesnil du Buisson at Palmyra.

The UCLA team did not conduct further soundings, preferring instead a surface exploration of the entire area: the archaeologists found out evidence for pre– and post–Bronze Age periods, mostly for what concerns the Palaeolithic (notably, many flints) period.

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