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Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

American Journal of Archaeology 98/1 (January), pp. 131-133.
Online version (JSTOR)

The report of the UCLA’s 7th excavation season at Tell Mozan (year 1992): the excavators concentrated their activities on area F1 (where two cuneiform tablets were found [see Mozan 2]), dated to the Late Akkadian period, and area AS, a stepped trench opened on the western side of the High Mound which revealed the presence of “one of the largest stone-based buildings known from third-millennium Syria” (p. 132) [already presented in AJA 95 (1991), pp. 712-714], “a large storehouse, most likely public in nature and possibly serving the gate” (p. 132).

In a sector of this building, a vault structure was detected, with many sealings, interpreted as a E2.KIŠIB, ‘the house/room of the seal(s)’: over 80 fragments of sealings were recovered, on which a total of 27 sealings is inscribed.

In addition, one bulla, two fragments of tablets and a complete tablet (the Early-DynasticLU E list of profession [for which, see Buccellati 2003]) were discovered in the same emplacement.

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