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Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

“Mozan, Tall,”
Reallexikon der Assyriologie 8 (5/6), pp. 386-393.

This paper published on the renowned “RlA” [Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie] offers an overview on many topics related to Tell Mozan [for a similar, general introduction, cf. also Buccellati 1997].

Paragraph 1 presents the history of excavations (including Mallowan’s survey and works in three trenches). Paragraph 2 offers the configuration of the site and of the Outer City (citadel walls KW, tower-like structure S1, cemeteries OA4 and OB1, other scattered remains in OD2 OE1, area BH of the Nuzi period).

Paragraph 3 displays the chronology of the site (from Halaf to Nuzi period).

Paragraph 4 focuses on Temple BA.

Paragraph 5 deals with the storeroom AK.

Paragraph 6 described the major epigraphic finds (two tablets from F1, of Sargonic period [for which see Mozan 2], 18 sealings from AK, the school tablet A1.69+ from AS [see Urkesh website/texts and Buccellati 2003], fragments of two more tablets and one inscribed tag) apart from the seal impressions analysed in paragraph 7 (40 sealings of Early Dynastic II-III period from KW and Early Akkadian sealings from building AK, sector B).

Paragraph 8 exposes Urkesh’s pottery (from ‘Ninivite V’ transitional ceramics from tomb OB1 [including ‘Scarlet-Ware’ stands] to the typical ‘Metallic Ware’) and metals (mostly pins, spears, daggers and one scraper).

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