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Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

“The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh: The Glyptic Evidence from the Southwestern Wing,”
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Moregenlandes 86, pp. 65-100, pls. 1-7.

This paper presents glyptic material related to the kings of Urkesh (mostly Tish-atal and Tupkish), underling at the very beginning how these carried the peculiar title endan in their royal titularity.

Seals and sealings of the queen and the queen’s household are also presented, offering for all of them a valuable palaeographical and iconographical analysis. These sealings, presenting a peculiar iconographical and stylistic tradition, were found in a single floor deposit from the Royal Storehouse labeled as AK: the importance of these materials also is clarified by the possibility of definitely confirming the identification of Tell Mozan with Urkesh.

Paragraph 1 (by G. Buccellati) analyses the legends of the endan seals.
     Paragraph 2 and 3 (by M. Kelly-Buccellati) presents notes on the iconography, displaying the dynastic program of Urkesh royal family.

Paragraph 4 (by both the present authors) offers a historical understanding of Urkesh glyptic, stressing the importance of this material for the identification of the ancient site, the independence of Urkesh glyptic tradition, the relationship with Tell Brak/Nagar and the practice of ‘multiple entitlements’.

Paragraph 5 (by M. Salvini) represents a philological excursus on the name Tupkish.

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