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Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

“Mozan, Tell,”
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, vol. 4, pp. 60-64.

This contribution offers an overview on different topics related to Tell Mozan: first of all, the location of the city is defined, in the Khabur plains (also providing the geographical coordinates: UTM 37°02’ N, 41°0’ E).

A physical description of the site is provided, followed by a summary on previous surveys carried out by M. Mallowan.

The chronology of the town is sketched out, with a focus on the major occupational strata in the mid-third millennium BC.

The most important structures of the site are presented (city wall KW, storehouse AK, temple BA, private houses F1, AS and BH, together with the main findings: more than 600 sealings (from building AK, sector B, stratum B12) and other 40 impressions from KW; two cuneiform tablets of the Late Sargonic period (ca. 2250-2000 BC) and fragments belonging to other tablets; pottery (Early-Dynastic III jars, ‘Simple-Ware’ conical cup, ‘Metallic-Ware’ jars and ‘Scarlet-Ware’ stands); metal objects (points and pins, spears, daggers, one scraper) casted in pure copper, copper alloyed with arsenic or bronze.

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