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Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2001

Marco De Pietri – July 2019

“Augrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Geselschaft in der zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš. Bericht &#252ber die in Kooperation mit dem IIMAS durchgeführte Kampagne 2000,”MAS excavation season at Tell Mozan in
MDOG 133, pp. 97-144.

The authors present in this publication the results about the DOG/IIMAS excavation season at Tell Mozan in 2000.

After an introduction describing previous excavations, the paper focuses on the 2000 campaign, describing the aims for the excavation focusing to an understanding of the structures related to the central Upper-city of Urkesh.

The project aims at better understanding the processes of development in the urbanization of the city and the first structural signs of decadence after the Early Bronze period. The main investigation has been focused on area A95, to the north-west of the tell, focusing on the previously partially excavated ‘Puš&#353am Haus’.

After a paragraph devoted to the presentation of the methodology applied on the site, the authors establish the chronology of the town (according to archaeological parameters), offer an overview (layer by layer) on the structure of the Central-Upper-city of Urkesh; a description of the small finds and the pottery is then included.

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