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Christian Falb 2009

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Untersuchungen an Keramikwaren des dritten Jahrtausends v. Chr. aus Nordsyrien
Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients 12,
Münster: Ugarit.
See full text
Alternative online version [Academia.edu]

The publication is entirely devoted to the analysis of North–Syrian pottery of the third millennium BC. After the introduction to the topic (chapter 1) and a description of the geographical situation (chapter 2), the author deals with the basic principle of ceramic analysis (chapter 3), the most important methods of investigation (chapter 4), the different kind of wares included in the catalogue (chapter 5); chapter 6 deeply overviews pottery from different North–Syrian sites, while chapter 7 draws some major conclusions. A commented catalogue of all the pottery considered in the publication is provided at the end of the volume.

Urkesh’s pottery is particularly investigated in sub–chapter 6.1.15 (pp. 272-273), while other scattered mentions of Tell Mozan occur on pp. 5, 7-8, 261, 276, 280-281, 297, 314, 326 and 351-352.

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