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Kristine L. Franklin and Nancy McGirr (eds.) 1995

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Out of the Dump.
Writings and Photographs by Children from Guatemala.
Translated from the Spanish by Kristine L. Franklin.
New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books.
See full text [Archive.org Library]

This photographic book (collecting, and connecting, both poems and pictures) developed from a project started in 1991 by Nancy McGirr in Guatemala City, when she started photographing children living and working there to support their own families.

After some time, the author noted the interest of those children for her work and she decided to directly involve them into her job: children began to take pictures by themselves (with few cameras brought from the dump) and later their photos were shared through many exhibitions abroad, thanks to the effort and financial support of sponsors.

The money earned from this project were devolved to give children access to schools; but, above all, this experience represented an opportunity “to show them the power of dreaming”.

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