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Cyril John Gadd 1940

Marco De Pietri – July 2019

“Tablets from Chagar Bazar and Tall Brak, 1937-38,”
Iraq 7, pp. 22-66.

This paper aims at publishing all the written tablets and the fragments found at Chagar Bazar and Tall Brak by Mallowan in 1937-38. Because of the homogeneity of the corpus (the hugest part is represented by mere lists of allowances and names), the author preferred to focus mostly on providing catalogues of names (divided into personal names, toponyms and general words); these lists are followed by a description of each tablet, with no proper transliteration or translation but adding some historical remarks.

Among the many toponyms, also Urkesh is quoted, spelled as ur-gi-iš(KI) (p. 26), on Chagar Bazar tablet 994, a complete, single-columned tablet reporting “a series of records concerning sundry commodities” (p. 59). Regarding specifically Urkesh, it is reported that “there were consignments of flour (various kinds, including sammidatum and &#7723ašlum), bread, beer […], 2 BI.ḪU (piḫu?) SIG5, 2 jars of wine, 2 sheep, 1 ḫa-ṣa-du which was taken (in-na-šu-u) to [Ur]-gi-[iš](KI” (p. 59).

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