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Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952

Marco De Pietri – July 2019

“The Song of Ullikummi Revised Text of the Hittite Version of a Hurrian Myth,”
JCS 5:4, pp. 135-161 (Part 1); 6:1, pp. 8-42 (Part 2).
Part 1: Webpage
Part 2: Webpage

This paper (published in two issues of the same periodic), offers a new edition of the Hittite version (found in the Hittite capital) of the so-called “Song of Ullikummi”, a part of a mythological saga regarding the Hurrian god Kumarbi (the main deity of Urkesh). The comparison of this text with other Hurrian fragments coming from the same city makes it clear that the Hittite version directly streamed from a Hurrian original.

After a reconstruction of the text, the author provides a summary of the epic where it is also recalled the passage telling how Kumarbi, ‘the father of all gods’, left his hometown Urkesh after his rebellion to the Storm-God (p. 138).

The author then offers information about other isolated fragments of the same epic and tries to define the literary genre of this text as a ‘song’ (Sumerogram SÌR, probably read in Hittite as išḫamaiš).

After this introduction, Güterbock offers the transliteration, the translation and the comment of the whole text.

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