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Edward Cecil Harris 1989

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy,
London–San Diego–New York–Boston–Sidney–Tokyo–Toronto: Academic Press, Harcourt Brace & Company, Publishers [nd edition; 1st edition = 1979].
See full text

Indeed, the most important (at least for historical reasons) and well–known manual on archaeological stratigraphy. After a forward, a preface and an introduction presenting the topic (and underlining the need for an all–comprehensive manual on stratigraphic principles) the book is articulated in 12 chapters.

Chapter 1 starts defining the concept of stratigraphy in geology, while chapter 2 focuses on the definition of archaeological stratigraphy.

Chapter 3 presents the most important techniques of archaeological excavation and the following chapter 4 reports early recording methods on excavations. Chapter 5 states the laws of archaeological stratigraphy, complemented by chapters 6 (on deposits as units of stratification, ‘positive SU’) and 7 (on interfaces as units of stratification, ‘negative SU’).

Chapters 8 and 9 describes how to draw archaeological sections and plans, respectively. Chapters 10 and 11 are devoted to defining how to elaborate correlations, phasing, stratigraphic sequences (chapter 10), and post–excavation analyses (chapter 11). The last chapter 12 sketches the method for outlining stratigraphic recording on excavations. Very useful is the following ‘glossary of terms used in archaeological stratigraphy’, reporting the main archaeological lexis (e.g. SU, interfaces, matrix, etc.).

[On this topic, presenting an updating of methodology and a discussion about the philosophical background of stratigraphic analysis, see Buccellati 2017 complemented by CAR].

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