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Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner and Peter Pfälzner 2002

Marco De Pietri – October 2019

“Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in der zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš.
Bericht über die in Kooperation mit dem IIMAS durchgeführte Kampagne 2001,”

MDOG 134, pp. 149-192.

The present paper offers a wide summary on the results of the DOG (Berlin) excavation season at Tell Mozan in 2001, in cooperation with the IMAAS (UCLA, Los Angeles).

An introductive paragraph (§ 1) explains previous investigations and current goals: further excavation on the so-called ‘Puššam House’; better understanding of Early-Jezirah V (= Ur III) period; a deeper excavations of Level C2 and of the Akkadian Level C7. Then, the authors present the different excavation areas, locating them on a map and defining the main archaeological data.

Paragraph 2 is devoted to the chronological analysis and display of the Central Upper-City of Urkesh: a complete chronological sequence is sketched in table in fig. 3 on p. 155. Afterwards, the authors move to present the stone building XV (of Level C16), the Akkadian settlements XIII and XIV (of Level C9), the so-called ‘Puššam House’ (Building IX of Level C7), the Oval Temple BA together with platform A (also known as ‘Max-Mallowan-Platz’), the ramp leading to the Temple Terrace and to the high platform of the temple, providing both information based on magnetometry and ceramic analysis. Comparison of Temple BA with other Mesopotamian temples is then presented. Thereafter, the results of the excavation in the Lower City of Urkesh are displayed.

Paragraph 3 offers an overview on the glyptic material found during the 2001 campaign (discussing sealings MZ01C2-il756+2392+2454, MZ01C2-i2454, MZ01C2-i0207, and MZ01C2-i0719).

Paragraph 4 concludes the contribution summarizing the diachronic use and functions of Urkesh Central-Upper-City, from the Early-Jezirah period until the Late Bronze Age.

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