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Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1937

Marco De Pietri – July 2019

“The Excavations at Tall Chagar Bazar and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region. Second Campaign, 1936,”
Iraq 4:2, pp. 91-177.

This paper represents the final report of the second excavation season undertaken by M. Mallowan in 1936 at Tell Chagar Bazar, with a further survey in the Habur region.

In part 1, after a general introduction, the author starts presenting some soundings made at Arbit end Germayir and then moves to Tell Chagar Bazar, describing his geographical and climatic conditions with a focus on trades. Later, the chronology of the site is displayed, with a specification of excavation levels.

It follows a summary of the objects discovered at the aforementioned sites, divided into classes: terra-cotta figurines, amulets and seals, metals, bone objects, beads, lithics and pottery. Part 1 ends with the description of the main structures brought to light at Tell Chagar Bazar and a paragraph about foreign relations.

Part 2 is devoted to the description of buildings, stratification and sounding at Germayir and Arbit and to the presentation of the many graves found in all the sites.

Mozan is specifically quoted on p. 140 as the alleged (because of purchasing reasons) findspot of a black-burnished vase (A229 of the catalogue; cf. fig. 17, no. 1), said to be contemporary with Tell Chagar Bazar level 2 (being levels 2-3 dated ca. 2900-2300 BC).

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