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Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1971

Marco De Pietri – July 2019

“Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia,”
CAH 1/2, pp. 238-314.

This chapter of the CAH (Cambridge Ancient History) [nr. 16] is devoted to the presentation of the most important Early Dynastic Period sites in Mesopotamia.

After an introduction (§ 1) about archaeological development in Babylonia (discussing chronology and stratification processes), the author deals with the flood and the end of Early Dinastic I and the subsequent Early Dynastic II-III. In § 2, Mallowan presents the main sites of the Diyala Valley while, in § 3, he offers an overview on the major Babylonian sites. The last § 4 displays an insight on Assyria and Mesopotamia, also dealing with Syrian sites.

Mozan is quoted specifically on p. 313, where it is presented a comparison between the pottery of Tell Khuaira and that from the Khabur valley (Brak, Chagar Bazar, Mozan and Germayir), recognizing similarities in typology.

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