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John Nicholas Postgate (ed.) 2007

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Languages of Iraq, Ancient and Modern.
Cambridge: British School of Archaeology in Iraq.

The volume collects nine contributions related to the many languages spoken in ancient times and today in Iraq: Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian, Hurrian, Early Aramaic, Medieval and Modern Aramaic, Neo-Aramaic, Iraqi Arabic, Kurdish and Iraqi Turkman.

As for Urkesh, the chapter about Hurrian (pp. 73-84, by J.D. Hawkins, with an appendix by G. Wilhelm), offers an overview on the Hurrian language (for a detail analysis, see the abstract to Hawkins 2007).

[Fig. 4.3 on p. 75 displays the Tiš-atal’s lion-shaped peg and the stone tablet from Urkesh (AO 19937-19938); fig. 4.4 on p. 76 presents the sketch of three seal impressions from the royal household of Urkesh].

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