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Simone Riehl 2000

Marco De Pietri – October 2019

“Erste Ergebnisse der archä;obotanischen Untersuchungen in der zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš; im Rahmen der DOG-IIMAS-Kooperation,”
MDOG 132, pp. 229-238.

This paper offers an overview on archaeobotanical remains found at Urkesh during IIMAS (1984-) and DOG excavations (1998-), mostly from excavation in grave-spot C2, during 1999 excavation season.

Paragraph 1 presents 58 samples on 78 were analysed, all of them hand-floated to remove any residual sediment.

Paragraph 2 focuses on plant spectra of Middle Bronze Age samples, underlining the possible presence at Mozan of wells or at least of canals, reconstructing a quite wet landscape.

Table 1 summarizes the different botanical species detected from Middle Bronze Age contexts.

Paragraph 3 provides the reader with some preliminary data, offering some ratio between the different species attested, comparing information regarding the graves with samples taken elsewhere on the site.

Paragraph 4 outlines conclusions, stressing the value of archaeobotanical analysis for the reconstruction of the ecological and botanical landscape of ancient Urkesh.

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