eLibrary (Version 2)

Beta release


Giovanni Rinaldi 1968

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Le letterature antiche del Vicino Oriente.
Firenze: Sansoni & Milano: Accademia.

The volume is a miscellanea of texts from the ancient Near East, presented in chronological order and divided into traditional cultures.

The volume (divided into four parts) presents in order: an introduction; a chapter on the formation of the Sumero-Akkadian culture (§ 1), the history of the beginning of the Sumerian literature (§ 2), the poetic religious Sumerian literature (§ 3), the Sumerian myths (§ 4), the history of Akkadian and Neo-Sumerica era (§ 5), the literature of ancient Babylonia and Assyria (§ 6), the age of the expansion of the Babylonian and Assyrian culture (§§ 7-8), the last resonances of Babylo-Assyrian tradition (§ 9), the Hurrian literature (§ 10), the Hittite literature (§ 11), notices about texts of other people of the Ancient Near East (§ 12).

Urkesh is specifically mentioned on pp. 237ff., in the paragraph about the Hittite literature, where the author presents the Song of Ullikummi and the res gestae of Kumarbi, the polyad god of Urkesh.

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