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Diana L. Stein 2001

Giorgio Buccellati – December 2005

Nuzi Glyptic: The Eastern Connection,
in W.W. Hallo and I.J. Winter (eds.), Seals and Seal Impressions. Proceedings of the XLVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale,
Part II: Yale University.
Bethesda (MD.): CDL, pp. 149-183.

While the connection of Nuzi glyptic with the Zagros is the primary focus of the article, the author deals with the question of Hurrian identity and Hurrian style (especially on pp. 149-155), and refers to Urkesh on pp. 150-152.

Accepting Muscarella’s interpretation, the lions of Tish-atal are considered to be of southern inspiration and to date in the later third millennium (although the caveat is added that “no close parallels exist” to “the Akkadian tradition”).

Of the Tupkish glyptic the author says that “they certainly challenge the current opinion about the extent of Hurrian assimilation into a culture that we tend to view from a southern perspective” (p. 151). She refers to the Akkadian date assigned to Tupkish by the excavators, but says that “an examination of the pottery and seal impressions suggests a later Ur III date according to J. Oates (personal communication)” (n. 9). – [Joan Oates’ examination took place during her visits to Mozan. The Akkadian date is in fact firmly established by their stratigraphic relationship to the seal impressions of Tar’am-Agade].

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