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Walther Sallaberger 2004

Giorgio Buccellati – July 2010

“Women at Beydar,”
in Subartu 12

The data from the Beydar tablets about the “female servant/slave” of a woman called Uqnitum are summarized on p. 46.

On p. 48 the following comment is made: “The charming name Uqnītum ‘the lapislazuli one’ has become famous, as a queen from Urkesh bore this name (written ZA.GìN-ni-tum, Buccellati/Kelly-Buccellati 1995-96, p. 16, also on the reading), which seemed to be otherwise unattested in the onomoasticon of the IIIrd millennium (Catagnoti 1998, p. 59).

The name is still known in the late IIIrd millennium (Ur III Nippur BBVO 11, 275, 6 NT 199 ii 11 ZA.GìN-tum) and later in the Old Babylonian period. At Beydar, the characteristic Early Dynastic writing of za.gìn as KUR.ZA is used”.

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