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Maria Luisa Uberti 2005

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Introduzione alla storia del Vicino Oriente antico.
Bologna: il Mulino.

This book has been conceived has a companion or a summarized version of Liverani 2003 in telling, in a brief version, the history of the Ancient Near East from the Early Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC) until the Iron Age (1200-550 BC).

A premise is added in the introduction, presenting the history of the first explorations in the area, the languages of the Ancient Near East and the main textual sources.

Urkesh is specifically mentioned on p. 31, where the author deals with the first Hurrian settlements in northern Syria, including Urkesh ang Nagar decribed as “formazioni statali […] capaci di notevole controllo territoriale” [“state entities capable of a noteworthy territorial controll”; English translation by M. De Pietri].

Tell Mozan is specifically quoted on p. 47, where the expansion of people from Assur and Mari towards the middle Tigris and the middle Euprates are described: “Così Assur sul Medio Tigri e Mari sul medio Eufrate riprendono il ruolo di avamposti della penetrazione meridionale verso l’Anatolia centro-orientale e il Levante siromediterraneo; in tal modo s’inseriscono in una ben più ampia parcellizzazione insediamentale (in cui sono compresenti Semiti e Khurriti […]. Tell Mardikh, Tell Brak, Tell Khuera, Tell Mozan, Tell Beydar, Tell Biya’ non sono che alcuni di questi centri” [“Thus, Assur of the Middle Tigris and Mari on the Middle Euphrates reclaimed their role of outposts in the Southern infiltration towards Central-Eastern Anatolia and the Syro-Mediterranean Levant; in such a way, they connected themselves to the wider settlement parcelling out (where Semites and Hurrians are both present (…). Tell Mardikh, Tell Brak, Tell Khuera, Tell Mozan, Tell Beydar, Tell Biya’ are only few of these sites”; English translation by M. De Pietri].

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