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Markus Wäfler 2001

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Tall al-&#7716am&#299d&#299ya 3.
Zur historischen Geographie von Idamara&#7779 zur Zeit der Archive von Mari(2) und &#352ubat-enlil/&#352e&#7723n&#257.

OBO, Series Archaeologica 21,
Fribourg, Göttingen: Academic Press, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
[mit Beiträgen von J. Brignoni und H. Paul].
See full text

In this publication, the author tries to reconstruct a historical geography of the land of Idamaraṣ, basing on documentation of the period of the archives of Mari and Šubat-enlil.

Sections 3-6 are devoted to the presentation of the topic, underlining problematics and possible errors, mostly caused by the presence in the sources of many homonymous toponyms. The methodology is then presented, applying also statistics and other mathematical issues to avoid (as far as possible) mistakes in interpreting the documentation.

Section 7 focuses primarily on Idamara&#7779, with the purpose of defining a possible location for this land.

Urkesh (spelled as Urgiš) is mentioned several times (on pp. 18, 23, 29, 45, 124, 177-178, 188-190; maps 1, 2, 4, 6-12). The most significant quotation is on pp. 177-178, where the author reports all the attestations of the toponym in ancient sources (within the timeframe considered in this book), attaching also useful bibliographical references, mentions of chiefs of Urkesh (only Terru) and displaying the geographical network of this town with other neighbouring entities.

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