
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2009-08-15 pC accumulation B [Input: T727YM.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2009-08-13 yM It is a natural accumulation layer under f284 in k105. it consisted of the same material as f284 but is slightly harder and more dry. This feature is also sloping down in the southern part of it to the south just like f284 and it also contained a lot of small carbon pieces. [Input: T815YM.J]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2009-08-15 pC k105 [Input: T727YM.J]
M#/elev @top 2009-08-15 pC 8870 [Input: T727YM.J]
M#/elev @bottom 2009-08-15 pC 9239 [Input: T727YM.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2009-09-02 yM f284 (accumulation) covers f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T902YM.J]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2009-08-15 pC q419 (bones, pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p1 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p2 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p3 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p4 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p6 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p7 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p8 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p9 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p10 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 !! q419-p11 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM4.J]
Type of contact: earliest events 2009-08-15 pC f287 (accumulation B) covers f289 (floor, type b) [Input: T810PC2.J]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 pC s670J6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 !! h3lJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2010-07-30 pC as for f284 and f285, this feature is located under wall f129 [Input: U730PC.J]
Full analysis of ceramics 2010-08-19 mKB Phase 1 d,e,f [Input: U819mKB.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Full analysis of ceramics 2010-08-19 mKB This feature was dated to the Ninevite V period but on reviewing the shape sherds it is clear that they are later than Ninevite V and date to ED III (Phase 1 d,e,f). At this point it is not clear where in ED III this stratum belongs. [Input: U819mKB.J]