Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-08


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 0000-00-00 dH q24.1 (st) [Input: S718PC.J]
2008-07-24 eA q79.4 (figurine)
q82.2 (figurine) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-29 dH q124.2 (unknown) [Input: S729CJC.J]
2008-08-03 eA q154.1 (kiln waste) [Input: S803EA.J]
2008-08-15 eA q164.5 (ob) [Input: S818PC.J]
2008-08-06 eA q177.1 (kiln waste) [Input: S818PC.J]
2008-08-26 dH q275.2 (kiln waste) [Input: S828CVP.J]
2009-08-09 yM q383.1 (figurine) [Input: T815YM2.J]
2009-08-10 sD q389.2 (clay lump) [Input: T815YM2.J]
2009-08-25 yM q389.12 (bone) [Input: TX04PC.J]
2009-08-12 yM q399.2 (clay lump) [Input: T815YM2.J]
2009-08-12 pC q402.2 (clay lump) [Input: T815YM2.J]
2009-08-13 yM q405.3 (sealing) [Input: T819YM.J]
2009-08-13 sD q412.2 (clay lump) [Input: T819YM.J]
2009-08-13 yM q413.1 (blade) [Input: T819YM.J]
2009-08-15 sD q422.1 (clay lump) [Input: T819YM.J]
2009-08-16 sD q443.2 (kiln waste)
q452.1 (sealing) [Input: T819YM.J]
2009-08-17 sD q455.1 (clay lump)
q462.1 (sealing)
q466.5 (clay lump) [Input: T819YM.J]