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·¾z'Ø~ker>File: \MZ\A\J06\D\Q\0164.HTM
Processed on 09-14-2010
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Labeoing/DesigÔÕ2-Ò~#/a> ·¾zkéB!
Category 2008-8-4!! unknown [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
Definition<•àz°#TD width=50>2008-8-4hQpottery, bones [Input file: S‚„r÷S1J / S804CJC.-J]

Description/Count  óGmï.
List of comÊÛ(!Ódl 2000-8-15!! q164.1 [InÊÁ2dÛyse: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-ðˆiƒM
2000-8-15!! q164.2 [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! q164.3 [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! q164.4 [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! q164-p1 [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! q164-p2 [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! q164-p3 [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-Cïù“=U]
2008-8-4dM q16Žšwx’Q! [Input file: J06V21-^.J / J06V21-^.-J]
eA q164.1 [Input file: S804CJC.J<•õxd’0#A HREF="\MZ\A\J06\I\J\S804CJC.-J">S804CJC.-J]
2008-8-4hQ q164.2 [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
2008-8-4hQq164.4 [Input file: yŸLRZ\A\J06\I\J\S804CJC.J">S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
2008-8-41>pC q164.3 S804CJC.J / S80Í8“=U]
2008-8-4pC q16ÍUqx’Q! [Input file: S;04PC.J / S804PC.-J]
2008-8-4eA q164.1 [Input file: S809EA.J / S809EA.-J]
2008-8-4eA q164.2 [Input file: S811EA.J / S811EA.-J]
2008-8-5eA q164.5 [Input file: S811EA.J / S811EA.-J]
2008-8-15eA q164.5 [Input file: S818PC.J / S818PC.-J]
2008-8-16dM q164.4 [Input file: J06V21-^.J / J06V21-^.-J]
2008-8-16dM q164.5 [Input file: J06V21-^.J / J06V21-^.-J^
2008-8-22hQ q164.1 [Input file: S922HQ.J / S922HQ.-J]
2008-8-22hQ q164.2 [Input file: S922HQ.J / S922HQ.-J]
2008-8-22hQ q164.3 [Input file: S922HQ.J / S922HQ.-J]
2008-8-22hQ q164.4 [Input file: S922HQ.J / S922HQ.-J]
2008-8-22hQ q164.5 [Input file: S922HQ.J / S922HQ.-J]
2009-8-22dM q164.4 [Input file: J06V22-^.J / J06V22-^.-J]
2009-9-6dM q164.1 [Input file: J06V22-^.J / J06V22-^.-J]
2009-9-8hH q164-p1 [Input file: J06PT9J.J / J06PT9J.-J]
2009-9-8hH q164-p2 [Input file: J06PT9J.J / J06PT9J.-J]
2009-9-8hH q164-p3 [Input file: J06PT9J.J / J06PT9J.-J]
2009-9-25!! q164.1 [Input file: T925ZSB.J / T925ZSB.-J]
2009-9-25!! q164.2 [Input file: T925ZSB.J / T925ZSB.-J]
2009-9-25!! q164.3 [Input file: T925ZSB.J / T925ZSB.-J]
2009-9-25!! q164.4 [Input file: T925ZSB.J / T925ZSB.-J]
2009-9-25!! q164.5 [Input file: T925ZSB.J / T925ZSB.-J]
2010-8-25pC q164.4 [Input file: U804MS2.J / U804MS2.-J]
2010-9-14pC q164.1 [Input file: U913PC.J / U913PC.-J]
2010-9-14pC q164.4 [Input file: U913PC.J / U913PC.-J]
2010-9-14pC q164.5 [Input file: U913PC.J / U913PC.-J]

Volumetric localization
Locus 2008-8-4hQ k75 [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
Origin of elevation 2008-8-4hQ m4889 (9085) + 140 (height of instrument) - 58 [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
Space definition 2008-8-4hQ r170 [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
Size of sides 2008-8-4hQ 400 cms South, 200 cms West [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]
Starting elevation 2008-8-4hQ 9003 [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]

Contact association
Type of contact: Earliest events 2008-8-4hQ q164 sits in f97 (lense A) [Input file: S804CJC.J / S804CJC.-J]

Time sequencing
Stratum to which element belongs 2000-8-15!! s16bJ6A [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
Phase to which stratum belongs 2000-8-15!! h7eJ6A [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]
2000-8-15!! unknown [Input file: S-CUMUL.J / S-CUMUL.-J]

Notes on typology 2008-8-5mKB no shape sherds, 1 painted body sherd so either Mittani or Khabur period [Input file: S806MKB.J / S806MKB.-J]
2008-8-7mKB 1 Mittani disk base, 1 painted body sherd [Input file: S807MKB.J / S807MKB.-J]