Orientation |
2008-7-14 | hQ |
looking northeast
[Input file: S809CJC.J / S809CJC.-J]
Description of view |
2008-7-14 | hQ |
This view shows an overall view of J2, J4, J6 and to show the position if J6 at the beginning of the excavation. J6 is located South-East to the staircase and the apron and the wall f130.
[Input file: S809CJC.J / S809CJC.-J]
2009-1-11 | pC |
In this view is shown also the East section of k200, where is visible the brickfall ^b f2. North of it ^wal l6 and ^wal l5. It intents also to show all the monumental stone staircase located West of J6. with the excavation in J6 we want to open the area just East-South of the staircase to better understand the stratigraphy of the portion just next to it wich obviously is directly correlated to the area of J2
[Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]