
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! metal artifact
Best definition 2025-02-27 !! metal artifact [Input: ZJ116pC.j]
Best image 2008-08-20 eA [Input: S820PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2008-09-10 sC tool [Input: S910SC.J]
2025-02-27 pC metal artifact [Input: ZJ116pC.j]
Description (summary) 2008-08-13 eA It is the upper part of a bronze scraper. It is lengthen in shape and the upper angles are curved [Input: S820EA.J]
2008-09-10 sC Fragment of copper-alloy metal sheet/blade, rounded-shaped, flat, very thin section (lens sectioned); possible fragment of spatula or spoon; most of the surface is oxidated and encrusted with soil. [Input: S910SC.J]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2008-08-07 cJC k86 [Input: S818PC.J]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2008-08-13 cJC r262 (37809 51310 - 9031 / Relay location: point) [Input: S813CJCR.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2008-08-07 cJC i10 (metal artifact) sits in f124 (brickfall) [Input: S818PC.J]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
q-lot with which item is associated 2008-08-07 cJC q203 (bones, pottery) [Input: S818PC.J]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2000-08-15 !! s16aJ6A [Input: S-CUMUL.J]
2010-07-29 !! s160J6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2000-08-15 !! h7eJ6A [Input: S-CUMUL.J]
2010-07-29 !! h7eJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Height 2008-08-13 eA 1.4 [Input: S820EA.J]
Length 2008-08-13 eA 3 [Input: S820EA.J]

Items Field Record

Roster Date Author Record
Field definition 2008-08-07 cJC metal artifact [Input: S818PC.J]
Field height 2008-08-07 cJC 0.1 [Input: S818PC.J]
Field length 2008-08-07 cJC 4 [Input: S818PC.J]
Field width 1 2008-08-07 cJC 1 [Input: S818PC.J]
Field width 2 2008-08-07 cJC 1.3 [Input: S818PC.J]
Field ware or material 2008-08-07 cJC ma [Input: S818PC.J]
Field color 2008-08-07 cJC green [Input: S818PC.J]
Notes on field record 2008-08-07 cJC it is a metal artefact (scraper?) [Input: S818PC.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2008-08-13 eA metal [Input: S820EA.J]
2008-09-10 sC copper-alloy [Input: S910SC.J]
Color 2008-08-13 eA green [Input: S820EA.J]
Condition 2008-08-13 eA it is broken [Input: S820EA.J]
Notes on items 2008-09-10 sC One fragment took for Ch. Analysis S904 (sC) [Input: S910SC.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of individual elements (studio)

2008-08-20 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2008-08-20 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2008-08-20 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2008-08-20 dm [Input: J06V21-^.J]

2008-08-20 dm [Input: J06V21-^.J]

2008-08-20 dm [Input: J06V21-^.J]
View/drawing of item

2008-09-06 pC [Input: SX22PC.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Notes on disposition 2008-08-22 hQ cons room [Input: S922HQ.J]
2008-09-10 sC Cons Room [Input: S910SC.J]