
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! clay artifact
Best definition 2009-09-04 !! seal impression [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Best image 2009-08-31 !! [Input: J06V22-^.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Reference to q-lot !! !! q318 (pottery)


Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2009-09-04 mKB seal impression [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Notes on designation 2009-09-04 mKB f200 [Input: TX05MKB.J]


Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2009-07-20 !! q318.4 (seal impression) sits in f200 (fill) [Input: T727YM4.J]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2000-08-15 !! s51bJ6A [Input: S-CUMUL.J]
2010-07-29 !! s640J6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2000-08-15 !! h4mJ6A [Input: S-CUMUL.J]
2010-07-29 !! h3mJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]
2010-09-19 !! early ED III [Input: U919MKB2.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Height 2009-09-04 mKB 5.2 [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Length 2009-09-04 mKB 7.8 [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Thickness 2009-09-04 mKB 1.1 [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Notes on measurement 2009-09-04 mKB measured with preserved small portion of neck on top [Input: TX05MKB.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2009-09-04 mKB cl [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Shape, form 2009-09-04 mKB wheelmade jar as shown by the beginning of a neck [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Color 2009-09-04 mKB pale yellow [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Color number (Munsell) 2009-09-04 mKB 2.5Y 8/4 [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Iconographic description, specific 2009-09-04 mKB three animals: first animal on the left of the rolling is facing left with hindquarters only preserved. Central animal is horned and facing right with a long tail curving up over its hindquarters, he has long branched horns. The third animal is facing right with only its head and long branched horns preserved [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Style 2009-09-04 mKB the figure outlines are deeply carved with a sharp angles for the nose and segments of the antlers, no internal modeling of the bodies, one preserved eye is a drill hole [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Notes on items 2009-09-04 mKB Chaff Tempered ware with a thick slip and scraped interior [Input: TX05MKB.J]
2009-09-04 mKB original seal was a little over 1.8cm high [Input: TX05MKB.J]
Notes on typology 2009-09-04 mKB seal rolled when jar was leather hard as it is a clear imprint. Seal was rolled on the upper body and probably on part of the neck as it is incompletely rolled on the upper body. The rolling was made with figures reversed with respect to the orientation of the vessel [Input: TX05MKB.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of individual elements (studio)

2009-08-31 dm [Input: J06V22-^.J]

2009-08-31 dm [Input: J06V22-^.J]

2009-08-31 dm [Input: J06V22-^.J]
Drawing of individual element (studio)

2009-08-25 sD [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2009-08-25 sD [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2009-08-26 sD [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2009-08-26 sD [Input: J06_VWX.j]