Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Photo of context (v view) | |||
View/drawing of aggregate | 2004-05-23 | jl | a5 (structure) a8 (pit) a11 (installation) a12 (installation) [Input: O523JL.j] |
View/drawing of features | 2004-05-23 | jl | f20 (wall) f31 (structure) f32 (accumulation) f33 (accumulation D) f36 (accumulation D) f42 (accumulation D) f43 (accumulation D) f45 (structure) f88 (accumulation C) f89 (wall) f91 (accumulation D) f99 (accumulation A) f104 (various) f124 (accumulation) f129 (accumulation D) f130 (accumulation D) f132 (tannur (feature)) f133 (accumulation D) f134 (accumulation D) f137 (accumulation D) f152 (accumulation D) f155 (floor, type b) f156 (floor, type a) f162 (floor, type a) [Input: O523JL.j] |
View/drawing of locus | 2003-09-08 | jl | k12 [Input: N915JL1.j] |
2004-05-23 | jl | k1 k2 k3 k11 k13 [Input: O523JL.j] |
View/drawing orientation | 2003-09-08 | jl | looking north [Input: N915JL1.j] |
General notes on photos | 2004-05-23 | jl | This is the final view of k12, showing the other loci around it. In the northwest corner of the locus is the small structure a11. This is shown better in v104. [Input: O523JL.j] |
Text description of view | 2003-09-08 | jl | k12 final photo [Input: N915JL1.j] |
Web view |