Unit Book A14

The lower sacral area (Version 1a)

Typological index with Frequency Computations
Ceramic vessels and sherds
by shape / family

Processed on 2025-02-05
Included here are ceramic vessels,
whether complete objects or sherds,
and whether items or q-items.

Click on column headers to change sort order.

Shape / family Total Percentage Histogram
/ carinated 4 0%
/ shouldered 69 2%
bowl / carinated 398 9%
bowl / deep 574 13%
bowl / other 272 6%
bowl / round sided 404 9%
bowl / straight sided 251 6%
bowl / wide rim diameter 3 0%
cup / conical (cup) 654 15%
cup / other 91 2%
J / hole mouth 1 0%
J / necked 1 0%
J / shouldered 1 0%
jar / dm 2 0%
jar / hole mouth 233 5%
jar / necked 789 18%
jar / other 403 9%
jar / shouldered 115 3%
jar / small or miniature 1 0%
jar / straight sided 1 0%
stand / b 2 0%
Total 4269 100%

bowl / carinated

Total elements: 398
Total components: 398

bowl / deep

Total elements: 572
Total components: 574

bowl / other

Total elements: 271
Total components: 272

bowl / round sided

Total elements: 404
Total components: 404

bowl / straight sided

Total elements: 251
Total components: 251

cup / conical (cup)

Total elements: 654
Total components: 654

jar / hole mouth

Total elements: 233
Total components: 233

jar / necked

Total elements: 789
Total components: 789

jar / other

Total elements: 402
Total components: 403