Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-20


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2001-07-25 ed accumulation [Input: ZG114jW.j]
Best image 2001-07-29 !!
v83 [Input: L917okk.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2001-09-04 okk accumulation [Input: L904okk1.j]
Description (summary) 2001-09-04 okk reddish accumulation beneath floor f139 in the westernmost 1/4 of k1, bounded in the north by the cut of pit f131. This matrix consists of a reddish accumulation which was compacted but not very hard, moist and clayey. It contained a lot of sherds, bones and flint, and some charcoal pieces. This accumulation continued into the north baulk of k2, and near the top of this baulk, there were two baked bricks visible. This accumulation was first dug as the accumulation above f159 (in the N), bricks which were seen in the eastern section and were thought to be a wall or a burial. [Input: L904okk1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2001-07-25 sb On the south part of the dig, instead of the pit we have red accumulation, f147(new) that is below the floor f139. The ac is reddish, homogeneous, w/ sherds, bones, charcoal and many flints (at least 5). It seems to be setting on top of a wall? There are in fact few bricks in section from A13 looking E, and we also see them continuing toward E. gb came to check, said it could be a burial or a hut. Certainly phase 4. The floor f139 is laid on top of the pit, so it's phase 5b, the earlier level in A15. [Input: L729okk.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2001-07-25 ed k1 [Input: ZG114jW.j]
M#/elev @top 2001-07-25 ed 8824 [Input: ZG114jW.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2001-07-25 ed 8756 [Input: ZG114jW.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2001-07-29 sb f139 (floorsurface in general) covers f147 (accumulation) [Input: L818okk.j]
2001-09-04 okk f139 (floorsurface in general) overlays f147 (accumulation) [Input: L904okk1.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2001-07-23 ed i56 (human body) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L909okk.j]
2001-07-26 !! q368.1 (figurine) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-28 !! q404.1 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-25 ed q355 (pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-25 ed q361 (bones, pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-26 ed q368 (bones, pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-28 sb q404 (bones, pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-28 cc q428 (bones, pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-29 sb q446 (pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-30 ed q479 (pottery) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p1 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p2 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p3 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p4 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p5 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p6 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p7 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p8 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p9 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p10 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p11 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p12 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p13 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p14 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p15 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p16 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p17 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p18 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p19 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p20 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q355-p21 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p1 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p2 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p3 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p4 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p5 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p6 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p7 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q361-p8 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p70 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p71 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p92 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p93 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p94 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p95 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p96 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p97 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p98 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q361-p99 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p1 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p2 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p3 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p4 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p5 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p6 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p7 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p8 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p9 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p10 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p11 (handle) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p12 (handle) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p13 (strainer) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p14 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 hQ q368-p15 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-03 cC q368-p70 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-03 cC q368-p71 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-03 cC q368-p72 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-03 cC q368-p73 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-03 cC q368-p74 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p1 (pot) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p2 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p3 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p4 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p5 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p6 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p7 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p8 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p9 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p10 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p11 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q404-p12 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2001-07-28 !! q404-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: L915okk.j]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p70 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p71 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p72 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p73 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p74 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p75 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q404-p76 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p1 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p2 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p3 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p4 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p5 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p6 (cup) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p7 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p8 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p9 (cup) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p10 (cup) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p11 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p12 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p13 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p14 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p15 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p16 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 hH q428-p17 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p70 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p71 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p72 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p73 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p74 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p75 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p76 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p77 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-24 eN q428-p78 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p1 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p2 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p3 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p4 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p5 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p6 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p7 (pitcher) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p8 (bowl) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p9 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p10 (jar) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p11 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-28 hH q446-p12 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 cC q446-p70 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-23 SL q446-p71 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 cC q446-p72 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-23 SL q446-p73 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 cC q446-p74 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-23 SL q446-p75 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 cC q446-p76 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-23 SL q446-p77 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 cC q446-p78 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-23 SL q446-p79 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q479-p1 (rim) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q479-p2 (base) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p70 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p71 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p72 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p73 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p74 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p75 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p76 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-25 eN q479-p77 (body sherd) sits in f147 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
Type of contact: earliest events 2001-09-04 okk f147 (accumulation) covers f159 (wall) [Input: L904okk1.j]
2001-09-04 okk f147 (accumulation) covers f174 (pavement, type c) [Input: L904okk1.j]
2001-07-29 sb f147 (accumulation) overlays f159 (wall) [Input: L818okk.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 jW s350A15A [Input: ZI901jW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 !! h5hMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j]