Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-22


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2001-08-18 jw accumulation [Input: ZG115jW.j]
Best image 2022-01-17 !!
v159 [Input: ZG117jW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2001-08-22 jlw accumulation [Input: L823jlw.j]
Description (summary) 2001-08-22 jlw accumulation in the containment vessel of a31, a pit kiln in the middle of the south edge of k13. It contained chunks of heated brick, kiln waste and sherds, not necessarily associated with this kiln. In addition, at the base of this accumulation, we found three small, intact Khabur pots, i213, i214, i215 and another sherd, i217, of a similar design and shape at about the same elevation in the deposit. [Input: L823jlw.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2001-08-18 jw k13 [Input: ZG115jW.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2001-08-18 jlw r426 (39142 37870 - 8764 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r427 (39212 37828 - 8762 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r428 (39215 37800 - 8765 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r429 (39221 37766 - 8758 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r430 (39202 37755 - 8760 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r431 (39194 37730 - 8766 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r441 (39191 37901 - 8777 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
2001-08-18 jlw r442 (39248 37751 - 8766 / Relay location: k13) [Input: L819JW2.R]
M#/elev @top 2001-08-18 jw 8839 [Input: ZG115jW.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2001-08-18 jw 8760 [Input: ZG115jW.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2001-08-22 jlw f350 (accumulation) covers f345 (accumulation) [Input: L823jlw.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2001-08-18 jw i213 (bowl) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw1.j]
2001-08-18 jw i214 (bowl) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw1.j]
2001-08-18 jw i215 (bowl) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw1.j]
2001-08-18 jw i216 (brick) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw1.j]
2001-08-18 jw i217 (bowl) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw1.j]
2001-08-18 !! q698.1 (specimen) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
2001-08-18 !! q698.1.1 (specimen) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
2001-08-18 !! q698.1.2 (kiln waste) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
2001-08-18 !! q698.1.3 (specimen) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
2001-08-18 !! q698.2 (specimen) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
2001-08-18 !! q698.3 (animal bone) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
2001-08-18 jw q698 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f345 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2001-08-22 jlw f345 (accumulation) covers f347 (layer) [Input: L823jlw.j]
2001-08-22 jlw f345 (accumulation) sits in f358 (cut) [Input: L823jlw.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2003-08-04 jw a31 (kiln) [Input: N921jw3.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 jW s250A15A [Input: ZI901jW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 !! h6hMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2001-08-18 jw clay [Input: ZG115jW.j]
Color 2001-08-18 jw very pale brown [Input: ZG115jW.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2001-08-18 jw 10YR7/4 [Input: ZG115jW.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]

2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]

2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]

2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]

2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]
2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]
2022-01-17 jw [Input: ZG117jW.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2001-08-18 jw L820 jw [Input: ZG115jW.j]