Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-22


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2003-07-21 ms accumulation [Input: ZH825jW.j]
Best image 2003-07-16 !!
v184 [Input: ZH330jW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2003-07-15 ms accumulation D [Input: N722MS1.j]
2022-01-28 jW accumulation [Input: ZG128jW.j]
Description (summary) 2003-07-15 ms gully wash found throughout area and especially seen in baulks of k5, k15, k13. Seems to cut or cover many features. We are removing this as necessary and possible especially in baulks to get to other accumulations. [Input: N722MS1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Harmonization 2022-01-28 jW This soil and brick feature defies a single definition. It lies on the surface. It is in the vicinity of several gullys. It contains deteriorated bricks of the type that it covers. This is reflected in its assignment to several adjacent strata. [Input: ZG128jW.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2022-01-28 jW k15 [Input: ZG128jW.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2021-12-28 jW f453 (cut) cuts f386 (accumulation) [Input: ZFz28jW.j]
2022-01-26 jw f401 (lens type b) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: ZG126jW.j]
2022-01-28 jw f412 (accumulation) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: ZG129W.j]
2022-01-24 jw f432 (tannur (feature)) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: ZG125jW.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2003-07-16 !! q748.1 (figurine) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 !! q748.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 !! q752.1 (figurine) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 !! q752.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 !! q752.3 (metal artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-29 !! q906.1 (clay artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.2a sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.2b sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.2c sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.2d sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.2e sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 !! q911.3 (jar) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-31 !! q921.1 (bead) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-07-31 !! q921.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-07-31 !! q921.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-07-31 !! q921.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-02 !! q936.1 (jar) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-02 !! q936.2 (figurine) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-11 !! q1124.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N920jw.j]
2003-07-16 lf q748 (items, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 lf q749 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 lf q752 (items, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-17 ms q757 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-17 ms q761 (bones, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-29 ii q906 (items, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 ii q907 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 ii q908 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 ii q909 (bones, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 ii q910 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-29 ii q911 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2003-07-31 ii q912 (bones, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-07-31 ii q920 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-07-31 ii q921 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-07-31 ii q925 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-02 ii q929 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-02 ii q931 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-02 ii q936 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-02 ii q937 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-03 ii q942 (bones, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N919jw.j]
2003-08-10 ii q1111 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N920jw.j]
2003-08-11 ii q1114 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N920jw.j]
2003-08-11 ii q1124 (bones, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N920jw.j]
2003-08-12 ii q1130 (bones, pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N920jw.j]
2003-08-12 ii q1137 (pottery) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: N920jw.j]
2004-05-07 hh q1111-p1 (base) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-06 IH q1114-p1 (jar) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-06 IH q1114-p2 (bowl) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-06 IH q1114-p3 (bowl) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-06 IH q1114-p4 (rim) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-06 IH q1114-p5 (rim) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-06 IH q1114-p6 (bowl) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p70 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p71 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p72 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p73 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p74 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p75 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-07 IH q1114-p76 (body sherd) sits in f386 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
Type of contact: earliest events 2022-01-28 jW f386 (accumulation) abuts f385 (accumulation) [Input: ZG128jW.j]
2022-01-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f377 (wall) [Input: ZG128jW.j]
2022-01-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f378 (wall) [Input: ZG128jW.j]
2022-01-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f381 (accumulation) [Input: ZG128jW.j]
2022-01-28 jw f386 (accumulation) covers f388 (accumulation) [Input: ZG129W.j]
2022-01-28 jw f386 (accumulation) covers f393 (pavement, type c) [Input: ZG129W.j]
2022-01-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f405 (wall) [Input: ZG128jW.j]
2003-07-15 ms f386 (accumulation) covers f445 (brickfall) [Input: N722MS1.j]
2021-12-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f449 (layer) [Input: ZFz28jW.j]
2021-12-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f452 (fill) [Input: ZFz28jW.j]
2021-12-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f453 (cut) [Input: ZFz28jW.j]
2021-12-28 jW f386 (accumulation) covers f456 (accumulation) [Input: ZFz28jW.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 jW s20A15A
s150A15A [Input: ZI901jW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 !! h7mMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j]
2024-03-13 !! h9cMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j]
2024-03-13 !! h9mMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Color 2003-07-15 ms grayish brown [Input: N722MS1.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2003-07-15 ms 10YR5/2 [Input: N722MS1.j]
Hardness, compaction 2003-07-21 ms 2 [Input: ZH825jW.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-16 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-07-17 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]

2003-08-29 jw [Input: ZH330jW.j]