Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-22


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2001-09-17 jw [Input: A15_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2001-09-16 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]

2003-07-09 jlw [Input: A15_VWX.j]
View/drawing of aggregate 2001-09-17 jw a31 (kiln) [Input: L918JW.J]
View/drawing of features 2001-09-17 jw f347 (layer)
f349 (accumulation)
f359 (floor, type a)
f361 (isolated individual brick)
f368 (cut) [Input: L918JW.J]
View/drawing orientation 2001-09-17 jw looking overhead [Input: L918JW.J]
General notes on photos 2001-09-17 jw pit kilns a30 and a31 both have fire chambers that are offset from the main chamber were the pottery is stacked to be baked. There is a brick baffle whose purpose is to deflect the heated air to the pottery. This photograph shows these parts of kiln, a31. v158 shows the relationship between the main body of the kiln (ash layer, f347, floor, f359, and floor accumulation, f349), the bricks, f361, and the cut for the fire chamber, f368. v170a shows the brick heat deflector, which shows evidence of charring. v170b shows the fire chamber, which in this kiln is a horizontal trench which is located low and to the north of the main chamber. [Input: L918JW.J]
Text description of view 2001-09-17 jw details of bottom of kiln a31 [Input: L918JW.J]
Web view

2001-09-16 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]

2003-07-09 jlw [Input: A15_VWX.j]