Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | !! | !! | installation |
Best definition | 2008-08-16 | lR | bin [Input: S824LC.j] |
Best image | 2008-08-16 | !! | ![]() v88 [Input: S824LC2.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2008-08-31 | lC | Bin constructed of gray bricks. In its western edge it is constituted of a row of small vertical bricks (11x35 cm), at least 3 or 4, while in the southern and northern edge it is built with bigger bricks, but it is impossible define their exact measurements because the bricks are really bad visible. The bin measures about 140 cm in length, north to south and about 95 cm east to west, continuing under the east baulk of k12. It is quite difficult to recognize the bin because both the fill f114, that the layer outside f82 are really similar in color and hardness. [Input: S831LC2.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2008-08-17 | lR | Started the day by retaking photographs of the bin f113, then excavating to the west of the bin, f82, to see if it continues to go down. [Input: S818lR.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2008-08-16 | lR | k12 [Input: S824LC.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2008-08-16 | lR | m4901 [Input: S824LC.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2008-09-14 | lR | s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) [Input: S914LR.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2008-08-16 | lR | Clay [Input: S824LC.j] |
Color | 2008-08-16 | lR | light gray [Input: S824LC.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2008-08-16 | lR | 10YR7/2 [Input: S824LC.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2008-08-16 | lR | Compact [Input: S824LC.j] |